My work

Hi guys,

I am helping my friends on this free chrome extension that identifies fonts used on a website or webpage. It also allows you to preview a typed in text of your own in the same font styles identified from that web page. It would mean a lot if u guys could try it out and lmk what u think :flushed:

Relatively new so any suggestions for improvement or feedback would be much appreciated :see_no_evil:
Its called Find Website Used Fonts.

I don’t think I am allowed to add links but not sure

Advertising links are frowned upon, but I think this doesn’t quite fit that description. Go ahead; it sounds interesting. Thanks for asking first. :smiley:

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Thank you so much!

I dont think I can still share link but simple search Find Website Used Fonts on google and it would be the second link to pop up. Please give it a try guys and lmk what u think😳