New Logo

Well said! I especially agree about the sketches first, implementation later.

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I agree it would be a good development to be more open about salary discussions. The whole pricing thing is so vague and hard to know where to start.


The current rules say, ā€œKeep all discussions on pricing to general terms. Do not discuss specific prices for services.ā€

This is a whole lot more flexible than the old forum where the previous owners were concerned about discussions that could conceivably be construed as price fixing (their concern ā€” not mine).

Here, on the new forum, I think weā€™re mainly just concerned about giving out bad information. Prices from one location to the next differ considerably, as does what a college student might charge as opposed to a big city agency. Discussing pricing in general terms is just fine, but suggesting that someone ought to charge $XXX for something or other is just not appropriate advice.

Mostly, I think weā€™re taking a more common sense approach on interpreting this rule, and I canā€™t think of any instances on the new forum where itā€™s been a problem.

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Definitely need to do more sketches to make this logo really stand out. This does not really show any personality and the colors are not quite there. My advise would be to go back to basics follow the Principles and Elements of design.

Considering this was a high school assignment way back in April, Iā€™m sure the OP couldnā€™t care less about this logo at this point.

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You should sketch more to come out with the best result


Closing this up since the OP posted this and only this back in April. As PD said Iā€™m sure they have moved on since they havenā€™t logged on in 4 months.