Newbie Project: Color Code Converter Tool

Hey all, I created this simple and free tool to help with color conversions. It handles RGB, CMYK, and Hex, and lets you play around with different shades.

Check it out here: w w w.esigns.c o m /free-color-wheel-color-converter-tool

It is still in early development. I would love to hear what you think!

Edit: I formatted the link because I am a new user and I can’t post links yet.

Kinda neat, but honestly not very useful. Color profiles are a thing, and this doesn’t mention them or take them into account at all, as far as I can tell:


Either that, or your assumed profile for CMYK is something really weird.

This color’s RGB values are out of print gamut.
With US Web Coated SWOP v2 (which is a standard generic profile) I get this:

Screenshot 2024-04-24 at 9.51.52 AM
Definitely weird.

I have no idea what this kind of converter would be good for.

Driving traffic to the esigns website?

A place called esigns should know better.
(I just went off Coff’s numbers. Didn’t go to website.)

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I didn’t mean to do this.

I see. So, are the conversions not accurate at all?

I am not familiar with this. I honestly just used AI for the conversions, but I’ll check the conversions later. Thank you for the inputs.

If you are unfamiliar with profiles, then doing color conversions is just a game.

Hex and RGB sort of inter-relate, being additive rather than subtractive like CMYK. Going from RGB to printed “CMYK” requires knowing the print machine being used and the media, and the profile that makes the machine print color to the media in a standardized way.

Even Pantone can’t do it. Their books are only suggestions of what spot ink mixes will look like, on their paper choices. If I want a conversion from Pantone number to CMYK, I use their Bridge or their Process book. Pantone even has a cross-reference tool if you have a PantoneConnect account (and almost anyone who uses Pantone has to have one now.)

Even with all that, I can hit Pantone numbers far more accurately than the Bridge would seem to indicate, just because most of the machines I use are at least 6 color. Some are 9 color and have massively extended “CMYK” gamuts.

But this all probably means nothing to you.
Again, not sure what purpose your converter is intended to serve. It’s inaccurate, for sure.

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My apologies if I misread the situation. We get a lot of new people that share a tool they created with a link to their website and then never hear from them again. It comes off as spammy.


As PrintDriver elaborated, they are not accurate without knowing additional parameters.

They may be accurate, for some combination of color profile+printer+media, but there’s no way to know with the information provided.

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Does AI mean Adobe Illustrator? AI also refers to artificial intelligence.

Anyway, in addition to the variables and gotchas already mentioned that make color conversions more problematic than one might think, almost everyone needing to make these kinds of conversions already has Illustrator, Photoshop, the Affinity Suite, or other software that has these conversion capabilities already built in.


If you are working for eSigns I would take it off the website, as it is right now will only confuse and frustrate your customers.

The page right? Got it, I appreciate your feedback.

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Crafting a color code converter tool that users will love involves a few key elements. First off, make sure it’s like a multilingual artist, understanding and converting between HEX, RGB, and HSL formats seamlessly. Next, add a touch of magic with real-time previews, so users can see their color choices come to life instantly. Lastly, sprinkle in some advanced features, like generating color palettes or checking contrast, to make it feel like a trusted design companion, ready to help with any creative challenge.