Pantone Color Of The Year is

Oh man … I love Lobster :smiley: Enjoy!!! :slight_smile:

I just ran into the following article about Pantone’s Color of the Year on Slate. The author isn’t happy.

If Pantone’s purpose each year is to create a publicity buzz in the design community, they really know how to go about it. :wink:

And everyone thought Soylent Green was science fiction.

I’ll say it again … people have become so bitchy, sarcastic and negative. I don’t know if that’s the way they have always been and Social Media gives EVERYONE a platform or if it’s rather new. But, damn … some folks just can’t find joy or happiness in anything now days. Let’s just suck every shred of life and fun out of everything. :roll_eyes:

Honestly no matter what color Pantone picked … someone would be offended. We are living in the day and age of “If it bothers ME, I want YOU to know about it” :roll_eyes:

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I’ve always been sarcastic and negative. :smirk:
Pantone is one of the particular things in my work that drives me pretty much insane.
(BTW, the lobsta was delicious!)

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Hah. I’m the biggest cynic I know. Thing is, I don’t have a need to share my every thought with the world, or anyone. I’m waiting for a comeback by the behavioral credo; “you are what you are, so just be that and shut the f### up.” Now that everyone can “be heard,” the rampant escalation of self-expressionism has painted a socialscape of needy whining and sensitive opposition to anything, regardless of its true weight, or lack thereof.

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LOL … I have my share of negativity :wink: We just don’t scream it from the rooftops for everyone to hear :wink:

This! :smiley: that’s what I’m talking about :smiley:

Not a fan but maybe it will grow on me.

Does anyone try to actually incorporate the color of the year in their designs? Outside of reading an article about it once a year, I don’t give it much thought. But I’d be curious to find out if some designers make an effort to include the color in their designs.

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Pantone’s COTY has a lot more to do with the fashion/fabric industry than general, every day graphic design where color is more appropriately selected by usage requirements.
It’s all about guessing the trend. Or making one happen. They sell swatches and inks regardless. And quite honestly, with the rise of digital direct dye sub (CMYKcm,) they won’t be selling inks either, just licensing of their profile software.
It’s just a marketing tool.


Actually, just this morning I used the coral color on something. Well, it was just an RGB approximation and not the actual Pantone fabric color, but I did use it — not because Pantone said it was the “in” color for next year, but because it just seemed to work.

For some reason, I’ve found myself using a whole lot more vibrant colors over the past few months than I have in the past — not at all sure why.


I don’t understand why it is color of the year. Yeah, by this color lots of products are made or designed, but does mean it is color of the year, i’m just confused.

Read the article that srp2752 posted above. That explains how the color of the year is chosen and why.
You don’t have to like it. You don’t have to use it. It’s Pantone’s guess what the fashion color will be.
Marketing ploy.

Agree. No matter what you do or say, offended people are everywhere. Too sensitive, in my opinion.
The color, though, is great and already trendy in fashion.