Peanut Butter vs Nutella?

  • Peanut Butter
  • Nutella

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Stranded on a desert island … which would you rather?

PB only because I’ve never tried Nutella and won’t know what I’m missing.

Stranded on a desert island. So you don’t have milk. So the real question is which would you rather eat without milk.

Coconut milk?

Peanut Butter will always be my true love :wink: LOL :smiley:

Nutella is ok in small doses. It’s so sweet that a little goes a long way.

… and to be honest I get sort of grossed if I think about Nutella too much.
Way too many people eat it like it’s their daily water requirement. They do everything from bring the shine back in the hair to dip their french fries in it.

It’s too much :confused:

I’ll take peanut butter made with roasted peanuts and salt and nothing else.

Nutella is candy. Nuts aren’t even the main ingredient.


Peanut butter here too. Fresh ground and extra chunky.
I had Nutella once just to try it. It’s ok, but can’t understand the fanaticism over it.


I’ve had Peanut Butter AND Nutella on a sandwich - you should try it :smile:

I used to eat Nutella with a spoon but you’re right it is 57% sugar lol. Good on ice cream though and in a cake recipe - or spread ON a cake I’ve done that too.

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If I do decide to have Nutella that’s usually how I eat it. I love it mixed with peanut butter :slight_smile:

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Stranded, I would pick peanut butter. It’s versatile and I use it to eat on a spoon, slather on stuff and in cooking.

However, we went glamping recently (like camping for people who like the comforts of home) and I brought along croissants and Nutella. We warmed the croissants on the camping stove, added Nutella. Warm, chocolately. We had Nutella croissants late at night and first thing in the morning. It was heaven.


Cashew muss!!


I’ve never tasted Nutella, but I love peanut butter (especially the unsalted kind).

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Also love peanut butter. Adams Crunchy, to be specific.

Even though after stirring, it has to be kept refrigerated

Here’s a secret I share only with you guys; I stir my Adams with a spoon chucked into my cordless drill. :smiley:

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lmao … that just gave me the biggest giggle lol :smiley:

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Efficient or lazy… “you decide.” :grinning:

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Just try cashew muss or if you want healthy nutella alternative add ½ cup of cashew muss, ½ cup of dates sugar, ½ cup of carob powder and some cashew milk/drink.

TRY IT! :wink:


Nutella is delicious but got way more artificial ingredients, so i stick with peanut butter for both taste and health.

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Nutella is great, but in smaller doses. It is much more similar to a dessert, whereas peanut butter is a meal. :grinning: :peanuts:

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