Personal Portfolio (c) disclaimer

I’m putting together a personal portfolio of work I’ve produced for previous employers … fairly standard so far … BUT I want to make sure that any previous employer does NOT think I’m trying to claim copy write as my own …
Would a simple bit of small type stating " All copy write & ownership of work shown, belongs to the company employing me at the time. " cover me from any legal angles ??? or do I need something tailored to each company concerned ???

First, it’s copyright, not copy write.

I can’t give you legal advice, but you might want to take the least ambiguous of the options you listed, as in, “Copyright © 2024 Your Name and Name of Others”. A copyright notice is mostly a formality since the copyright is owned regardless of the notice. In your case, it sounds like you’re mostly interested in giving credit where credit is due.

However, giving others credit when showing their copyrighted work is not a legal defence. If you’re concerned about that, you need their written permission to show the work. Whether that’s a significant concern is for you to decide depending on the situation.

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Thank you. Just-B … That’s all making sense & I appreciate the help.