Please help ID this font


Would appreciate some help in ID’ing this font.


Welcome Aboard @benryan490 :slight_smile:

FF TradeMarker OT Fat Italic font


Red, I’ve been working in design for decades but I went to school for Fine Art and Illustration, leaving me with a gap specifically in typography. Do you know if there is a “bible” of sorts for fonts and typography?

It’s the one thing I still feel weak on after all these years because I don’t have the foundation.

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Funny you should say “bible” :smiley:

The Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst is considered the “bible” of type by a lot of folks. I haven’t read it though. But, I heard it mentioned several times.

I never studied typography. It’s just one of those things that clicked with me on a visual level. But, don’t ask me why an ellipsis is called that lol :smiley:

If that’s the sort of stuff you are looking to delve into try Shady Characters by Keith Houston :wink:

I’ve come to believe RKK wrote it.


LOL :smiley: :smiley:

apparently I can’t type just “LOL” anymore… the forum things it’s an incomplete paragraph :smiley:

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Thank you very much. Typography is easily my weakest point. It never clicked for me.

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Thank you kindly!

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