Porfolio feedback :)

Hello! Could you please share your feedback regarding my portfolio: www. monixm .com. I know that the project section isn’t too great but I’m working on adding more projects. Please let me know what you think.

THANK YOU! :man_dancing:

.I cant see the light purple text on my macbook
make the images BIGGER they should be the focal point
Alway use professional words, change fetch to acquire or gather.
mostly and “you can see” are not needed.
delete phrase like " I built my Portfolio (which you are visiting now)"
about me the right side graphic looks like my screen broke or has dust,
so i tried to wipe that off without even thinking that is trees, extent that image or delete.

others here will add to this list

the site is good and you seem knowledgable in front end design which is good.

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thank you so much, this is some valuable feedback! :+1:

My overall impression is that you’re off to a nice start, but the site needs some work and fine tuning.

At certain window sizes, the background photo on the home page is getting cropped which produces an awkward line. See below. You need to click the image directly below to see the full image and what I’m talking about.

These next two comments go together.

This is a personal thing, but I’m not crazy about the lack of and inconsistent use of capitalization and punctuation in the display copy.

I would suggest having someone review the site for grammar / punctuation errors. There are a number of errors in the body copy, where it appears the intent is to use proper grammar and punctuation. Having a native English speaker edit the copy would be advisable.

As you pointed out, the project section could use more substance.

Why is your email address not a link on the contact page?

Watch how the site collapses. For example, the project page has some text overlapping the images at a tablet size. See below.


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thank you very much for your feedback - I will definitely take it into account to improve the portfolio. Have nice weekend! :slight_smile: