A friend of mine told me it’s a good idea to share my graphic design projects with their sketches included.
This makes me wonder: if Instagram is a more accesible social network and, therefore, more suitable for being seen on the Internet as a designer, why do the accounts from graphic designers I’ve researched have no sketches posts?
You said “Instagram is a more accessible social network,” more accessible than what? FB, LinkedIn, YouTube?
Social media should be strategic — not something you do haphazardly or just for poops and giggles. Why do you want to post on social media? Are you looking for clients? Are you looking for props from other designers? Are you looking to impress your friends and family?
Once you know your goal for posting on social, then you can determine what platform(s) would be best to accomplish that goal.
I’d ask similar questions about posting sketches. What is your goal for posting them? If you are looking for a full time job as a designer, then posting a complete case study with sketches so that an AD or CD can see your process might be helpful.