Resume Design

Hi! everyone,

I would like to introduce the resume/curriculum design that I did

I’m looking for feedback or any thoughts after saw resume/curriculum vitae design please feel free to comment, see the attached pic and let me know what you think?

Any comments and feedback would be appreciated!

Melissa Christine

  1. This gives me absolutely no information on what you’ve done for past work.
  2. It gives me a good indication that you don’t know what you don’t know.

For an application, I don’t care about what interests you. I care about what skills you have that are going to increase my bottom line, whether I’m a client looking for marketing material or a studio looking to hire you as a designer.

I get that English is a second language, but you do need a proofreader. And a punctuation check.

You’ve also shown me that you can’t handle LR-justified text without rivers, even when you are providing your own copy that you could change to work better.

Bar graphs showing “percentages of knowledge” of certain software…Those are a definite “no” and take up space better used to briefly describe your work experience. How do you know you know 65% of Adobe Illustrator? I don’t even know what knowing 100% of Illustrator, or any software would look like, and I’ve been doing this 25 years.

Looks more like a dating profile then a resume.

I know resumes like these are trendy, and they do look nice, but I have to agree with PrintDriver’s comments. In my opinion, a designer’s portfolio is the place to express layout creativity. A resume is more about presenting the information as concisely as possible.

I don’t know how it is in Indonesia, but here in the U.S., the information on a resume is usually scanned into a database as text. Resume’s like yours just don’t lend themselves to being scanned by OCR readers. Consequently, the information gets scrambled and must be typed in by hand.

An elaborate, good-looking resume can be great when you’re handing it directly to an art director, but if the initial recipients are human resources people, it just means extra work for them to transcribe the words on the resume into their databases. If you do decide you need a resume like this, I’ll suggest also developing a simple one in a text editor, like MS Word, that can easily be copied and pasted — especially when applying for a job online.

Rating yourself in any sense is a fatal error. A rating of 50% indicates you’re 50% ignorant. Why would you tell someone that?

If I’m considering hiring you, I want to know what you’ve done, why you did it, and how it produced a benefit, achieved an objective, increased market share, boosted profits, etc. Frame that between your education and your references, make it easy to process — that’s plain black type on plain white paper — and your contact information is the only other necessary piece.

A resume like this would only tell me that you failed to recognize the purpose of the document and the conditions under which it is to function, and filled it with over-designed fluff. It’s a fun exercise perhaps, but a design failure.

I know it’s trendy, but I will also add that the self appointed ratings on software knowledge are a horrible trend. When looking at resumes I almost always discount resumes that include those. As others have mentioned why would you rte yourself arbitrarily that way. I can’t imagine or picture any other professions resumes including random assessments of their abilities.