Review of my presentation about myself

Hi folks! Here’s my presentation about myself. :slight_smile: If you can, please review it’s quality and report about possible enhancements. Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

I hope it’s okay to send here my work on a regular basis for a review. :smile_cat:

I’m not sure what I’m looking at. How will these be used? On the about me slide, you say you are too lazy to do work manually. I get what you are saying, but I’d reframe that in a positive light. Something like, “I thrive on efficiency and enjoy automating repetitive tasks.” I am not a programmer, so I have no idea what the content under starred repositories means. It’s not clear what your goal of the presentation is. Is it simply to introduce yourself, get new client, get a full-time job?

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Why are any of your (two) showcase skills less than average?

As @Steve_O said, I don’t know what you’re showing us. It seems to be a self-promotion, but I don’t understand it. For example, what is Cobra, Viper, Fyne, Freeze, Fishtape, and Gum? Are they GitHub repositories? If so, what are they, and why are they important?

As good as your English is, it needs to be perfect on a self promotion. For example, no one uses the peculiar gerund “Administrating.” It’s a word, but almost everyone would say “Administering,” instead. In addition, “Thanks for watching” implies you’ve shown a video.

Do you have access to a chat LLM, such as Google’s Gemini or something similar? You can use it to improve the writing of your sentences and paragraphs. For example, I asked Gemini to improve the writing of one of your sentences. The following screen capture shows the results and the reasons for the changes.


This is a joke, right?