Sending cold cover letters/resumes

Have you ever submitted one? Did it result in anything? I see articles on both points all over the web that cover the generic points, are there any others?

What are the Generic Points?

I don’t know the actual stat, but many companies have a standing policy not to open attachments on unsolicited emails.

Most mid- to large-sized companies have human resources people who deal with hiring issues, and they’re not going to want an unsolicited letter for a position that isn’t even open. They just don’t work that way.

If you can identify the actual person you might be working for, then make a custom pitch just to her or him, you just might get that person to file away your resume in case something comes up down the road.

It seems unlikely that an unsolicited letter would result in someone saying, “We weren’t planning a new hire, but this person’s just too good to pass up.”

All that said, the success rate for what you’re proposing seems like it would be low. Then again, if you send out 500 of those letters and you get one bite, it could be worth it.

I think it might improve your odds if you took the time to research each company and made a pitch in your cover letters focused directly on what you could do for each company considering their unique situations.

Of course, it would take a whole lot of time to do that kind of thing, but a one-size-fits-all, mass-mailed approach would likely result in the vast majority of your letters being unceremoniously tossed into the garbage. It’s much more difficult to dismiss a personal note from someone.

^ This. All unsolicited emails get binned at my firm.

I wasn’t even thinking email, when I made my post, but PanToshi and PrintDriver are right. In addition to company email policies, hit the delete key and an email is gone in an instant. A physical letter is a little more difficult to ignore.

I’m curious if going in cold works at all? Ever? My advice, don’t do it.

I’ve cold letters when I was younger but never had a single hit. Later on when I was on the receiving end, I never considered anyone sending through an unsolicited letter. Receiving one was more annoying than anything.

Have you tried recruitment agencies? There are ones that deal only with creatives.

One marketing designer here had an incredibly lucky day. Wandered in out of the blue with a portfolio, hired on the spot (demonstrated web ability when we NEEDED someone.)
I always told her she shoulda bought a lottery ticket instead. LOL.
Hasn’t happened before or since.

So it’s more for a job at a design company, not trying to fit into a corporate company’s design program

So… it wouldn’t be unsolicited? i.e.: not cold?

Oh it would be cold. They aren’t looking for a graphic designer at the moment.

NK.GD, check your messages.

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Uh, that’s not cold. Ignore what I said above.