Spammy ads on my website

please help me.
i see some spammy ads on my website.
from where they came?
i dont know how fix this.


Those screenshots contained NSFW images. I have deleted them. Do upload them again. You described the problem.

If anyone has an answer I am sure they will reply.

you also deleted my website url.
you think its clear enough question when u deleted everything? :expressionless:

Here’s the URL

I remember responding to some of your questions two or three weeks ago.

I checked on both my desktop computer and my smartphone, and didn’t see the spammy ads.

It’s difficult to say what’s happening, but it’s impossible to diagnose without having direct access to your website. It could be a free plugin you’re using that sells ads in lieu of payment. I could be a hacker has broken into some component you’re using and feeding ads into it. I suppose it’s even possible that a hacker has broken into your website itself.

It could be most anything. I’m not much help, but if you’re seeing spam, obviously something is wrong.

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Sorry about that … everything is in text when it’s edited and it was tucked under the image links. :wink:

look, i see these ads.
one time my customer reported these kind of ads and now i see this myslef rare times,
but they are exit there.

Sorry, I couldn’t find any ads on your website, i checked it 3 times. May be someone is trying to hack your data!

Not to be a jerk, but is there an ad feed linked to your browser history? Google tends to do that in the US. It can be an innocent object search that brings up unintended…imagery…and then the browser thinks you want to see more ads just like that
Just the other day I did a search for boxer engine (like my car has) and now get ads for boxer briefs. And not just any boxer briefs… :scream:

Subaru or Porsche? My motorcycle has a boxer engine. As for boxer shorts, I’m not a big fan.

Subaru of course.
(Porsche? who are you kidding?)
Not a fan of boxer shorts either.

i found the problem,
one of plugins was making ads when somebody opens my website by searching in google.
for example if he/she search ’ پروتئین پگاه ’ and open my website, plugin opens spammy ads there.

Careful what you google for.

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