Study design

Hello friends. I’m Nhat Duy, I’m from my beautiful Vietnam. My English is very weak so I have to use google translate tool to be able to talk with you guys. I have been working as a designer for a short time so my experience is very little, could you please show me the experiences you have had in this profession? If you know any youtube channel or website that you know about this work, can you introduce it to me? Because in Vietnam currently very few people teach with this profession online

What is your skill level? Have you completed any courses or are you self taught? Here are a couple well known sites that offer online education: - Design training

I’m mostly self-taught. I have been studying photoshop by myself for 5 years and ilustrator for 2 years. Currently, I work as a designer for a weight loss company. Because in Vietnam, this profession is still underdeveloped, so I have to study and do it by myself without anyone teaching.
Thank you very much

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