Tesla's Cybertruck Logo

Looks like the weird body and smashed windows aren’t dampening fan enthusiasm. Despite it still being a couple of years away, Tesla is already saying they’ve already taken 150,000 pre-orders for $100 apiece.

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A fool and his money are soon parted …

What I’m seeing is JABRTRIKK

click… switch the channel, quick.

Considering people have legit died because of Telsla’s security


Any car can do that. The wonders of push button electric things in cars.
Tragic yes. More people have died from Tesla “autopilot” though.

Speaking of push button electric things. I have a push button parking break in my Subaru. Wonder what good that is gonna do me if the regular brakes ever fail? And it’s located in the lower console, right next to the coffee holder. It’s a short waiting to happen.

Ugh that’s so frustrating having buttons down there on the Subaru… My parking brake is manual, however I do have the seat heater buttons and the X-Mode button and those are gonna short eventually I just know it.

You know, I don’t like all the automated features on new cars and trucks. A plain, old crank to roll down the window works just fine. I don’t need my butt heated. A stick shift is a big part of the driving experience.

Geech, I’m starting to sound like I’d rather use a crank to start up the engine. :wink:

Welllll, when the cop stops you on the highway and comes up to your passenger side window and you have to undo your seat belt to lean across to crank the window down, and he doesn’t see you do it, then asks why you aren’t wearing a seat belt (additional ticketing offense) and he doesn’t really believe you when you tell him… Been there, done that.

There’s a lot about cars that isn’t needed, and not having all that junk would make them about $15K cheaper than they are. At least $15K cheaper.

I don’t really know much about cars, so I just was like… ahh yes, that happned
Also good luck with those buttons.

Maybe the font is so bad on purpose so that, by comparison, the TRUKK will look sharp?

Still not as shockingly bad as that Gucci logo stunt… :angry: at least this one has been digitalized

I think this is the logo they actually wanted


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This is the extreme of “form follows function.” He knows that aesthetic tastes will change over time as it always has. He’s betting that aesthetic tastes will eventually change in his favor, that we will eventually get used to it or love it like Princess Fiona. He’s trying to set trends, not follow them. He doesn’t live in the present. He lives in one of many possible futures. If he’s correct, he wins the lottery. If he’s wrong, it’s just back to the drawing board.

Thats exactly what I was thinking of! :thinking: Who knows, Elon can do anything he wants about now, like logo design. Only he hasn’t figured out how to adjust the kerning in PS yet.