That's watercolor design/Ink-flash no matter

@RedKittieKat thanks, but it’s not the other people’s work it’s mine so I know there has no copyright issue. If I transform a shadow into a human, then what will be the copyright issue because there is no figure. shadow as shadow there has no point of view to find the owner of the shadow so how you finger to me… whatever thanks all of your compliment




It is copyright infringement if you are using a photograph that is not your own to create another image from it. So, if that is a picture you took of your dog, that is fine. If it is a picture you pulled off of the internet without getting permission from the original photographer/artist to use their picture, it infringes on their copyright of that image. It doesn’t have to be a human to be copyright infringement.

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it’s enough to the argument for this color design or something like that. I will do that after permission and without copyright stock/picture.