January 31, 2018, 11:56am
I saw this suggestion and think it is a great idea. Lets re-name the “The Corner Pub” to “The Badgers Den” in honor of our late friend Garricks.
What do you guys think?
January 31, 2018, 12:36pm
Love it, thanks Kool. I think he’d like that.
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I think Garricks would approve!
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January 31, 2018, 4:58pm
Love it! I imagine that scotch is always at the ready here.
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That is an awesome idea Kool! Garricks would be grinning from ear to ear.
I think that would be a very sweet tribute
Any way we can save his avatar?
Or his sig(s)?
This post is brought to you by the letter E and the number 9. Those are the buttons I push to get a Twix out of the candy machine.
I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process.
I’ve saved this. I’ll put it over there when it’s up and running
January 31, 2018, 8:42pm
I’m so happy we’re able to honor our sweet friend. Thanks for carrying over his avatar and sig.
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I was glad to see a new forum but saddened to then miss our Badger.
I like the Badger’s Den
love it!
…still sad
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February 1, 2018, 1:53am
My first two years of college were spent at a school whose mascot was a badger. The Badger’s Den was a campus hangout where we would eat sometimes.
I wish a few of Garrick’s best posts (and there were plenty of them) could have been archived here in this new Badger’s Den.
February 1, 2018, 2:29am
As luck would have it, Google had an old page of Garricks’ quotes that was originally posted by Kool in 2008 to congratulate Garricks on his 5,000th post.
The funny part is, even though the back and the knees ache, generally looking out from in here, I don’t feel any different than I did at 25. I just make more noises.
Oooh, tacos that bite back!
I’ll prevail, though…get in mah belleh!!1!
I work up the courage to ask Date out to a movie.
We go to see “History of the World.” (My choice. I’m an idiot, should have chosen sappy Chick Flick.)
Here’s where it went wrong:
Exterior, day: Paris
Voice Over: France. 17xx (whatever year it was)
Camera starts with a wide shot of Paris. Zooms in as the VO continues.
We zoom in tight on a local street. Brass street plaque reads, “Rue d’ Merde” Garrick translates in his head, “Sh!t Street.”
Garrick laughs. Loudly.
Date shoots a look…“WTF?”
Garrick realizes he’s the only one in the entire theater who caught it, and tears streaming down his cheeks, laughs louder, huge guffaws that cause people to turn around and WTF him.
The laughter dies out as Garrick realizes:
A) Date is poking Garrick in the ribs, hissing “What is so pancaking funny?!?”; and
B) Garrick is laughing so hard he cannot breathe. Garrick has to go to the lobby to get control.
And… scene.
A) I had to go back the next night to see the 15 minutes of the movie I missed from laughing; and
B) There was no second date; and
C) It was Date’s loss. Several years later I learned that Date moved to California and joined a “commune.” shrug
That little moment is one of my favorite memories.
/end hijack/
not of ME, silly. re-reads post Oh, I see how you could think that. No, I’m white-bread boring vanilla. It’s all in my mind and googling skillz. Sorry to disappoint!
Today was a long day, and to top it off, I heard from a client regarding a logo design, "Well, I like the font you chose, but it only says Blorg Snarf. We’ve been using Blorg Snarf Piffle, so you need to change it. Oh, and can we see some with just BSP? (Which, the actual acronym spells nothing and has absolutely no brand equity to the larger organizationl.) This after several days of sketching and lots of thought put into it.
I’m a bitter, bitter person tonight.
Looking at the noms has me really thinking about negative space now. I need to start taking some pix and nomming them up.
I see noms everywhere. Some don’t even know they’re noms. (OK, bad ‘Sixth Sense’ joke)
I had a hankering for some Underwood Deviled meat a few weeks ago, and couldn’t find it at my grocery…they had other brands, but not Underwood. That was my grandmother’s brand preference, therefore it’s mine! (I know that makes very little sense, but you had to know my nana!)
sits up straight and formal
The toilet ice would be Pantone 3005C. (because Process Blue would just be too easy.)
Also on the topic of Pantone colors, I went to Amazon to price a new Solid Coated fan, as my current book at home is 10 years out of date. In the comment/review section under THIS set of guides is written:
“It’s quite nice. You know, like it has all the colors and stuff. I mean, ALL the colors. Name a color . . . bingo, it’s there. My only complaint is, they don’t use nice names for the colors. They’re all “PMS147” or “PMS1457” but really, I’d prefer something like “mediterranean blue” or “tuscan yellow.” Just a suggestion.”
Followed by the response:
“Jeff, you are stupid. go to Home Depot and steal paint chip strips if you want “pretty” names. pantone books are used in print so that color is the same no matter where you get things printed. just like car painting…”
He wants something people will throw away?
'k, do me a favor. Give him my address and tell him to just send his money to me. I’ll give it a good home and he won’t have to worry about it any more!
Cool find, longboy… runs off to play with gradient feather tool
Wait. Does “gradient feather tool” sound dirty to anyone else?
Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.
(Now, if only that worked…
See, that’s why you need us old farts, to 'splain how we used to do stuff!
Like walking 520 miles each way in the driving snow to get to school every day. ROFL
Just so you all know I have a ton of stuff saved including this That’s what I’ve been doing the past few days
I just didn’t want to post it all at once and have everyone glaze over
February 1, 2018, 3:17am
Aw thanks for posting these. The cockles of my heart have been warmed.
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February 1, 2018, 3:49pm
I raise a virtual toast to Garricks.
Its still crazy to think he’s gone, but it’s awesome that he lives on here in the Badger’s Den and in all of us.
February 1, 2018, 4:32pm
I have to come back here and read them.
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