The British Academy of Graphic Design - any good?


Has anyone does a course with the British Academy of Graphic Design?

It seems they were only set up this year, but they do BTEC’s which I am keen to do, as I can’t find a BTEC for graphic design (that isn’t for under 19s). But their website and tutors don’t seem that impressive.

Am I better off teaching myself online or doing an Adobe Professional Certificate (Illustrator).

Any thoughts much appreciated

I know almost nothing about this “academy,” but over the last several years, a glut of private online schools for graphic design have appeared. They’re leading to a glut of inadequately trained designers who will likely never find steady, well-paying work in the field since they’ll be competing with better-trained, in-person university graduates.

In the US (where I live), a BTEC diploma is more or less the equivalent of a 2-year Associate Degree in a technical field of some kind. Here, this isn’t usually enough to easily land a graphic designer job in a field that is increasingly requiring Bachelor’s degrees. However, it is often enough to land a job in a related field, such as print production or sales when combined with experience, interest, and aptitude.

Much depends on your interests, though. If you plan on becoming a professional graphic designer or art director, I’d recommend a university education. If your interests run more toward the technical aspects of production (or something similar), this online school might be OK.

First, I’ll make a disclaimer: I’m skeptical of online programs. Some fields might lend themselves to online learning, while others don’t.

There are two separate and important aspects of graphic design. The first is learning to see, think, and solve visual communication problems like a designer. The second is learning to use the tools (nowadays, mostly software), along with the technical aspects of the job, whether it is coding, preparing artwork for print, or something similar.

I can imagine learning the technical (software) aspect of graphic design online. However, I can’t easily imagine learning to see, think, and solve problems like a graphic designer online. To me, it’s the equivalent of trying to learn to play the piano or learning ballet online. Learning the basics from self-directed study or through online courses might be doable, but advanced and deep learning takes place when directly interacting with instructors and fellow students in person. There is no equivalent online substitute for that in my opinion.

You mentioned teaching yourself online. The trouble with this is you don’t know what you need to learn, so you’ll end up focusing on what interests you or what you naively think is important. You’ll inevitably end up with huge gaps in your knowledge. An Adobe Professional Certificate is mostly a useless credential that says you’ve learned the ins and outs of using specific Adobe software programs. Working through one of these courses, is probably a good way to gain experience in using Illustrator, but learning how to use software is not the same as learning design.

  • The Adobe certificates are worthless, unless you plan to become an educator in that Adobe program. They test to see if you know what all the tools in the program do. They don’t test the important skill sets for being a designer, namely, your knowledge of design history, your knowledge of aesthetics, or your ability to critically evaluate design and solve client problems. Knowing the proper use of a saw or hammer is a different than the ability to design buildings.

  • as far as teaching yourself… there’s a lot of self education that people in this profession have to do. It’s ongoing and it lasts a lifetime. If you are starting off as a beginner it’s best to get a good foundation through formal education in a live classroom with real people sitting next to you. I say that as a former university lecturer and someone who taught classes through distance learning.

You should be asking for a refund and reporting them to the authorities involved.

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^^^ THIS!

I searched for “British Academy of Graphic Design” on Google. At least for me, here in the States, this thread appeared on the first page of the search results.

I think it’s fair to assume that almost everyone thinking about enrolling will perform a similar search, so this isn’t very good advertising for them. A representative from the school is more than welcome to respond if they want to do so.

Really sorry to hear about your experience, that sounds awful. I hope it improves. I did fear that it didn’t seem like a new set up that hasn’t run before. Let us know if it gets better. I hope you get a refund if you’re not happy with it.

I’m glad things have gotten better, but I would recommend speaking to graduates about their experiences before enrolling. Likewise, I’d probably snoop around on LinkedIn to see what type of jobs these graduates are working in.

Hi all

Thanks for your responses to this thread. BeccaMae, how have the last few months been for you?

I am considering enrolling in their Postgraduate Diploma through home study. I’ve been working in editorial and production roles for the last 8 years and want to start developing my design skills to take on more design and typesetting work. I don’t anticipate working on any complex digital design work and will likely stay in print publishing, but I would like to build a better foundational knowledge that I can use to develop myself creatively. I’m a very proactive and independent learner so think I could get by with little tuition. The course will be paid for by my current employer as well so I do not have any strong concerns about it being a waste of money.

Based on your experience do you think I should look elsewhere or might their approach actually suit my needs?
