Does anyone have tricks to matching tinted pantone values? A customer has a logo that includes a pantone both at 100% and at 60%. We have pantone books in house, but certainly not with tinted values included for every swatch. I have tried changing it to CMYK in the file and then using Recolor Artwork to match to the closest, but was hopeful there might be a more accurate way.
It’s too bad that Pantone stopped selling their tint swatch deck. All the colors from 10% to 100% by tens.
Beyond that, the only thing I can suggest is to print the tints of the number out by 5s and let the client pick.
Tints are rather subjective anyway.
You’re trying to find the four color equivalent to a 60% tint of a PMS color?
I’d start by converting the PMS color to a four color tint (with the substantial caveat that not all PMS color convert nicely to CMYK) and then make a 60% tint of the converted color.
If you’re looking for the makeup of the resulting color, that’s pretty simple math. Let’s say the CMYK equivalent is 100% c, 80% m, 60% y, 40% k, that works out to be 60% c, 48% m, 36% y, 24% k.
EDIT: I’d suggest making a test print to verify your tint.
Maybe we should start by asking how this is being printed.
For instance, if I know the color will hit on profile on a wide format machine, telling the machine to do 60% of that color is usually a safe bet. It’s when you get down into the 10-20% range where things get a bit dicey as inks drop to near zero. I’ve had blues turn pink at low percentages…
Even a digital press, depending on the inkset might be no worries.
If this is conventional 4-color process though…
Thanks for the input guys.
Yes, this will be for 4-color process. To complicate everything, I am only setting up the artwork - our printer is at another location, so they will match to a pantone book there. Thankfully since the logo uses the un-tinted (thats not a word) version they will have some reference, but I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something and that this was as tricky as it seemed.
Thank you!
Just a note, this link from 2018 is no longer valid.