Let’s say I have some interesting fonts saved on my mac under an application called Fontbook.
How do I collate and send someone a particular set of fonts?
Sometimes when I am using a software such as Adobe InDesign or Illustrator and want them all to be under one name and not the same typeface split into two.
Is there a way to customize folders so I can put all the belonging fonts into one?
I should start by saying, packaging and sending fonts to someone who isn’t licensed to use them is, most likely, a violation of your End User License Agreement.
Use the Package function in both InDesign and now Illustrator (FINALLY! though clunkier than Indesign.)
Bearing in mind that they will only package non-typekit fonts and will express a warning about font licensing.
Also bear in mind that if you have an illustrator file linked to InDesign, you have to check that the fonts in the link were picked up when packaged. Most likely the answer will be no.
First, before others remind you that sharing software is illegal, I’ll mention that Montserrat is licensed under an open font license that allows for unrestricted redistribution.
Second, all you can do is collect the font files and place them in a folder — either manually or along the lines that PrintDriver suggested.
That won’t solve the problem I think you’re getting at about controlling the order and organization in which they’re displayed, but really, it’s all you can do. If I understand your question correctly, there’s no way you can organize them and have that organization carry over and be used by another program or operating system.
The organization, listing, and collation of fonts within font families, or whatever one wants to call, it is determined by a combination of how the designer named the individual fonts and the software being used to displaying the list of those fonts. Font Book handles it one way. Adobe handles it another. Microsoft has their own way of doing it. And different versions of different software often handle it differently from the versions that came before or will come after. There are no industry standards governing this, and it’s nothing the end user can control.
In the example you posted, you also have a combination of OpenType and TrueType fonts listing themselves as being in separate families, even though they’re really not. Again, though, you can’t do anything about this short of converting one to the other with a font editing application, and doing that can often create other problems. Maybe you could head back to Google Fonts and download them again to see if they’re all available as either OpenType or TrueType.
As sort of a side thing, I design typefaces and build fonts. All the workarounds and hacks that go into getting the individual fonts in the right order for this application or that operating system is something of a nightmare. It should be simple, but the lack of standards prevents that.
Thank you so much for the info that makes sense that each application has its own way of doing things.
Good to know that you make your own font. That’s awesome!
I know how hard it can be. I learned it by doing a course for a week and studying Glyphs. Made an Arabic font. It’s really time-consuming and I never looked at a font the same way again. So much to think about.
Any portfolio of your fonts work I can see? Can you share your behance id…o?
Are you selling fonts or not yet?
Actually I usually create everything in Adobe InDesign and only use Illustrator for illustrations. It’s good to know that Illustrator has started that feature as well. And yes we should make sure that that fonts correlate in both the programs if need be.
But I wanted to know to how package a font from ‘Font book’ not the Adobe Softwares. Any idea?