Her husband is a master at unconventional branding. That’s what it takes to be an artist, especially a con-artist.
Are you serious? You seem to be saying that an amateur can do our jobs, and that an amateur’s lack of ability has nothing to do with the amateurish nature of their work.
As for the London Olympics logo, it wasn’t designed by an amateur, but it still sucked, as have many other Olympics logos. But that’s what typically happens when committees get involved in selecting logos — it turns into a lowest-common-denominator race to the bottom.
Y’all have no idea how hard I’m struggling to stay out of this one…
pound fist
smite forehead
kick feet
So far, so good…
Absolutely agree here. Genuine self-esteem comes from knowing you’ve done well, not on your parents telling you how wonderful you are.
Lmao Doc!!!
The struggle is real
I’ve been so tight lipped I may start bleeding … but I shall prevail.
Hold that banner HIGH, RedKittieKat.
To my credit, I did remove the vomiting emoji from an earlier post.
OK ‘Do Your Best’ instead of "Be the Best’ is a better sentiment but ‘Do Best’ is still not proper English.
Perhaps the most meaningful combination would be “Be Your Best,” or, something altogether different that actually brings some originality and a complete thought to the table, like “Find Your Best and Make it Even Better”.
It reminds me of the big “Got Milk” campaign of the 1990s. I found that slogan equally annoying, but people seemed to remember it. Apple’s grammatically challenged “Think Different” campaign is probably another example despite Steve Jobs’ arguments to the contrary.
Ugh. I hate the adverb-starved catch phrase trend.
I see a lot of campaigns jumping on the “local” bandwagon; “Buy Local,” “Shop Local,” “Bank Local”.
When I think “local,” I think “globally ignorant.” I know that thinking local and thinking global are not mutually exclusive. But the more I think local, the more I feel like I’m being herded by a global oligarch. I stopped merely thinking local on 9/11/2001.
Nationalism is just global ignorance with a side order of jingoism under the guise of thinking local.
Ooh did Melania make that?
I haven’t been around here too long, but I think I spotted a flaw in one of the Forum pages. It seems it ought to read …
Not at all. We discuss current trends in major logo campaigns all the time.
We point and laugh whenever we see a bad logo. It’s the nature of the business.
End of story.
I assumed that “don’t attack or bully” applied to participants of this forum. I didn’t think political humor against high profile public figures who are not participants of the forum was prohibited.
Does any participants of this forum feel attacked or bullied?
There’s a difference between pointing and laughing at a logo, and slamming Melania and/or her native origins.
This thread came off, to me, as a little bit mean-spirited, considering the cause the logo represents.
And people are politically touchy these days.
Here’s a question.
Would you work with the Trump administration to fix this, if asked?
Or would this fall under “#resist” as well, even though the cause is a good one (even if somewhat confusing.)