What do you think about my designs on mug

What is the source of the illustrations on the mugs? Did you draw those yourself? Are they stock art? Are they AI art?


I would suggest designing the art specifically for the mug to take advantage of its form while avoiding its drawbacks. Instead, you’ve taken interesting images and placed them on a mug with little attention to its form. In other words, a mug is a cylinder — use imagery that lends itself to a cylinder instead of a flat surface.

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Yes. indeed. you advice is very good. I have taken care of this problem as much as I could. because of cylinder shape, you could see the images looking like a 3D image instead of flat.

Again, what is the source of the illustrations on the mugs? Did you draw those yourself? Are they stock art? Are they AI art?

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It is a kind of mix. first I will make a draft drawing and then ask AI to do some most of work. finally there are some modifications in details which I will take care.

Do you have permission to use Angry Birds characters?

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Pretty sure you posted some of these before - and I remember saying I could find similar on various stock sites.

You’d need a license to reproduce the image - even if you change it - and then an appropriate license for the volume of printing you need.

Other than that - it’s just a picture on a mug - nothing to critique.

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^ Both of those posts by Smurf.

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Great work!