What is your Social Media Pre-Post Checklist?

When I post to social media, I feel like I haven’t been filtering my posts to meet all the criteria I feel there should be as a visual designer.

Before posting to social media as your free way to keep your design company / freelance services out in public view. What sort of checklist do you go through?

I’m compiling a list and perhaps you can help me with it and we can all utilize it:

  1. Does it look good?
  2. Have you looked at it for X hours / x times before posting just in case you missed something?
  3. Does it have your logo, URL, contact info, CTA ?
  4. Is it the correct size for social media platform X___.
  5. Is the message appropriate
  6. Is the message concise
  7. is the headline catchy
  8. is the accompanying text (If a image is used) descriptive enough.
  9. Is there hashtags #'s used
  10. Are the correct hashtags included?
  11. If the post is about a release for a client, is it brand friendly for your client.
  12. If about a client, has it been approved by the client.

Thanks ahead to all who reply,


Check all spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Have a trusted person who isn’t you review/repeat all applicable items on the checklist.

The 12-Step Social Media Checklist

  1. Is the message educational or entertaining?
  2. Is the voice correct?
  3. Is it too long?
  4. Is the URL correct?
  5. Should I target a specific audience with this message?
  6. Did I use the right keywords and hashtags to maximize exposure?
  7. How many times have I already posted something today?
  8. Did I spell check?
  9. Will I be okay with absolutely anyone seeing this?
  10. Is this reactive communication or is it well thought-out?
  11. Did I make the most of visual content—images, video, slides?
  12. Did I make the most of my update text—headline formulas, polls, quizzes?

Print it out, turn it upside down, and reevaluate your composition.

This tricks your mind into thinking it’s a new image and it “resets”.