Let’s say you had to stop being a graphic designer. What sort of career would you pursue?
I started out in college as a physics/astronomy major, then moved over to fine arts (sculpture), then into graphic design where I stayed.
I still have some regrets about not sticking with astronomy, and it’s continued to be a side thing for me. So if it weren’t for design, that’s likely where I would be.
Lottery winner.
It depends on the circumstances and timing and where I’m at in my life.
Right now? Software Developer - I have a degree in C.S. and do a lot of contract programming, so this wouldn’t be too much of a jump.
(Not so realistic)
In the future? Illustrator for children’s books.
If I had to pick a career that I’ve never touched before, I suppose I would pick a career in data science.
In the past I had admirations of being an architect, veterinarian or an actor even. I realized I wasn’t suited for the repetitiveness of being a small animal vet and I did not want to be a large animal one. I never delved enough into architecture, but I suspect it could have been repetitive as well (being realistic that I wouldn’t be an award winning architect.) And while acting sounds fun, talk about a competitive industry and one that is full of disappointment.
‘Designer’ is a very very very broad term.
My whole entire life has been able to communicate via visual and textural and structural language of one form or another. Even before I came up through architecture I had designed my first creations in fashion … a line of winter coats … when I was just 21. At 27 I received my first architectural commendation. With graphic design I’ve been fortunate to speak of my closest concerns of … Stop War … Peace … Love.
And with my most recent creative endeavor I’m throwing a ton of energy (and to much cash) into my first short film … working title Lords of Graphite … google it and you’ll see some very early character props! …the film is all about creativity and carbon (as in the primal chemical element) and how we are all simply instruments to use …for it’s own survival … a broody moody troubling film noir.
In 2010 … I created colored bacon. Yup, that’s me …hi there.
If I weren’t a ‘designer’…
I would be a food stylist or food photographer. It was a side hobby that is turning into a new profession.
I’d open a vegan butchery… small batch meatless meats and cheese-less cheeses. Making this stuff has been a hobby of mine for the last ten years.
Serious answer; probably go back into pre-press and live out my days trying to make what designers send me work on the press (a tricky job but someone’s got to do it)
Half serious answer; become a full time gamer and live my life on Atys with Ryzom, using Twitch or similar to evangelise this sandbox mmorpg
Not serious at all answer; write a book, sell the film rights and retire to my own island in the Aegean to run a server farm which donates its services for free
Full time animal photographer.
And trainer. I started training dogs many years ago. My large dogs always have beautiful manners and I’ve put obedience competition titles on several.
I’m currently learning to train horses… just scratching a very old itch.
This is a hard question for me to answer because I’ve been drifting away from my graphic design career for the past 15 years. But I’ve been picking up other design-related skills as I’ve drifted away.
My answer would be similar to Obsidian’s going forward, except without the C.S. degree and with a wider genre of books.
It’s difficult for me to imagine myself doing anything that isn’t design-related now. But if I had never thought about design, I probably would have stayed in the military or worked for the defense industry as a civilian.
Right now I’m taking a course in PHP and SQL. It’s reminding me of why I’m not going all in on programming for a living. It’s not too difficult for me to understand, and I like a break from all the subjectivity every now and then. But when I’m learning how to communicate with machines, I don’t just feel like I’m working on a machine. I feel like I’m becoming a machine. I can feel myself losing interest in everything that makes us human.
Writer. I’m doing that on the side now, but if I couldn’t be in design/communications anymore, I’d write fiction full time.
Same story - only swap Physics for Chemistry
I’m sitting on a lot of material for fictional novels. I’ve written outlines for them, but I’ll doubt I’ll ever find the time to write them in detail. I might try to sell them as screenplays someday.
nothing doer lol
if it’s an appropriate title