Why is this happening to my font?

Hey guys,
I need some help with this…I am at a loss as to what is going on here. I started working on a project and any font I choose looks as though there is a stroke on it when I start to type but I never applied a stroke to it. This only happens when I click into the font but if I back out, it stops…Any ideas? I’ve included some images.

Especially since it’s Photoshop, I’d suspect it has something to do with GPU acceleration.

Even more so if you are using photoshop on an M1 mac. There are all kinds of effects controlled by the graphics processor preferences. And bugs…

I’m using a PC and I’ve never had this problem before. The program randomly decided to do this, this morning. I’ve looked into the GPC settings. I changed the GPU settings and the program just crashes.

Solution - Faux Bold was on…UGH eyeroll…It’s Friday guys…Sigh…lol