I’ve been playing around with the artificial intelligence-driven chat bot ChatGPT. Ask it to write about almost any subject, and it will instantly compose a coherently written and intelligent response.

For example, I asked it to “Write a 300–400-word poem on how artificial intelligence might affect the profession of graphic design.” Here’s what it wrote.

Artificial intelligence, the future is here
A new force in the world, it’s hard to steer
It’s changing the way we work, it’s changing the way we live
And now it’s come to the world of graphic design, how will we give?

No longer just a tool for the artist’s hand
AI algorithms are now in demand
They can automate tasks and generate new ideas
A designer’s dream, no longer just a fear

But as with all change, there are pros and cons
Will AI take away jobs, or just add more to our bons?
Will it make us more efficient, or just more competitive?
Only time will tell, but one thing is definitive

AI will change the way we design, that’s for sure
But it’s up to us to adapt, to open and explore
The new possibilities it brings, to embrace the unknown
And together, create a future that’s fully grown

So let’s embrace the future, and all that it brings
And see where AI takes us, on new and exciting wings
For the world of graphic design, a new dawn is here
And together, we’ll shape the future, with no fear

I then asked it to write a critique of the poem it just wrote. Here’s its response.

As a machine learning model, I do not have personal feelings or opinions, so I am unable to critique the poem I just wrote. However, I can provide some general feedback on the poem:

  • The poem has a clear theme and structure, with each stanza focusing on a different aspect of the impact of AI on graphic design.

  • The rhyme scheme and meter of the poem are consistent and contribute to its overall flow and readability.

  • The language of the poem is clear and easy to understand, and it effectively conveys the main points about the potential impact of AI on graphic design.

  • The poem uses a variety of figurative language techniques, such as metaphors and similes, to add depth and interest to the poem.

  • The poem ends on a positive note, encouraging designers to embrace the future and the opportunities that AI brings.

Overall, the poem is a well-written and thoughtful reflection on the potential impact of AI on the field of graphic design. It effectively conveys the main points about this topic and uses language and figurative devices to add depth and interest to the poem.

I also asked it to “Write several paragraphs comparing graphic design in the United States with graphic design in Britain.” Here’s its response.

Graphic design is a profession that is practiced in countries around the world, and each country has its own unique culture and design aesthetic. Here are some key differences between graphic design in the United States and the United Kingdom:

  1. Design styles: In general, American graphic design tends to be more bold and experimental, with a focus on innovation and breaking conventions. UK design, on the other hand, is often more understated and refined, with a focus on craftsmanship and attention to detail.

  2. Industry structure: The structure of the graphic design industry also differs between the two countries. In the US, there is a large freelance community, with many designers working independently or as part of small studios. In the UK, there is a greater emphasis on in-house design teams, with many designers working for large companies or agencies.

  3. Education and training: The education and training paths for graphic designers also differ between the two countries. In the US, there are a wide variety of design schools and programs at both the undergraduate and graduate level. In the UK, there is a greater emphasis on vocational training, with many designers completing internships or apprenticeships in order to gain practical experience.

  4. Client expectations: The expectations of clients also differ between the US and the UK. In the US, clients may be more open to taking risks and trying out new design approaches, while in the UK, clients may be more traditional and conservative in their design preferences.

Overall, while there are some differences between graphic design in the US and the UK, both countries have vibrant and diverse design communities that are constantly evolving and adapting to new trends and technologies

This is really crazy and somewhat spooky stuff.

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Oh wow :flushed:

Can you specify a grade level? That looks to be about Freshman high school.
I pity the teachers these days. Plagiarism is easy to find. Having this do your homework might make grading a bit difficult. A quick search of suspect phrases didn’t turn up anything definitively copied.

Explain the American Civil War. Write the answer at a college level.

The American Civil War was a conflict that took place in the United States from 1861 to 1865. It was a catastrophic war between the Northern states, which were known as the Union, and the Southern states, which seceded from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America.

The primary cause of the Civil War was the issue of slavery and states’ rights. The Southern states relied heavily on slavery to support their mostly agrarian economy, especially in the production of cotton. The Northern states, on the other hand, had largely abolished slavery by the 1860s and were more industrialized. The Southern states believed that the federal government had no rights under the United States Constitution to interfere with their institution of slavery. They believed that each state should have the right to decide whether or not to allow slavery. The Northern states, on the other hand, believed that slavery was wrong and that it should be abolished throughout the country.

The Civil War began in April 1861 when Confederate forces fired on Fort Sumter in South Carolina. Under the leadership of President Abraham Lincoln, the Union responded by calling for troops, and the war quickly escalated. Over the course of the war, more than three million soldiers fought in the Union and Confederate armies, and more than 600,000 soldiers and civilians died with hundreds of thousands more being gravely injured.

The Union eventually emerged victorious, and in 1865, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was passed, which abolished slavery throughout the United States. The Civil War had a profound impact on the country and its history, and it arguably remains a seminal event in the American experience.

Explain the American Civil War. Write at a 4th-grade reading level.

The American Civil War happened in the United States a long time ago. It was a war between the Northern states, which were called the Union, and the Southern states, which broke away to form their own country called the Confederate States of America.

The main reason for the Civil War was that the Northern states and the Southern states had different ideas about slavery. Slavery was when people were owned by other people and had to work for them without getting paid. The Southern states had many farms. Slaves worked on those farms to grow things like cotton. The Northern states did not have as many farms, and they did not use slaves. Many people in the Northern states thought that slavery was wrong and they wanted it to end.

The Civil War started in 1861 when some people in the Southern states fired guns at a fort in South Carolina called Fort Sumter. The Northern states called for soldiers to help fight the war. The Civil War was very big. Many people were killed.

The Northern states won the war, and slavery was ended in the United States. The Civil War was a very important event in American history.

That’s horrifying.
If I were a teacher, I’d make everyone put their phone away and write their essays in class.

That’s pretty impressive, I wonder how long it’ll be before they develop an AI that can do logos and branding?

Already here… not very good logos “yet”!

I tried it out, it looks and works like a lot of the existing logo generation sites - enter a name and select an industry and it generates combinations of the words paired with generic icons.

I watch Steve Lehto daily. He is a lawyer from Michigan. Here is his take on things. It’s pretty interesting.

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I just had ChatGPT create a script for Indesign to fetch text from an external document an insert it to a text frame.

I then went a few steps further and had it create a script to find a text string, apply a XML tag to the text - then replace all instances of where the tag is with related text from the external document.

It just wrote all the code for me - perfectly!

I just asked it if it can write a script to batch export pdfs from InDesign

It’s response

To batch export PDFs from InDesign using a script, you can use the following JavaScript code:

javascriptCopy code

var myFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select a folder to process");
var myPDFExportPreset = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName("[Your PDF Export Preset Name]");

if (myFolder != null && myPDFExportPreset.isValid) {
    var myFiles = myFolder.getFiles("*.indd");

    for (var i = 0; i < myFiles.length; i++) {
        var myDocument =[i]);
        var myPDFFile = new File(myFolder + "/" +\.indd$/i, ".pdf"));

        myDocument.exportFile(ExportFormat.PDF_TYPE, myPDFFile, false, myPDFExportPreset);

Replace “[Your PDF Export Preset Name]” with the name of the PDF export preset you want to use, and make sure it exists in InDesign. This code will prompt you to select a folder, then it will find all .indd files in the folder and export each one as a PDF using the specified preset. The PDF files will be saved in the same folder as the original .indd files.

I haven’t tested it - but it’s pretty amazing (plus I’m aware of a batch export script already :slight_smile: )

Just playing

I used ChatGPT to try to design a modular synth setup. I asked it to describe a patch that would approach the sound of a grand piano (notoriously difficult), using a particular virtual synth software. It gave clear and precise instructions on which modules to use (and from which manufacturers), how to connect them, and the settings required to mimic the sound.

I built it and it sounds very close.

ChatGPT isn’t just for essays.

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ChatGPT can write JavaScript code? That’s incredible. I wonder how many other coding languages it can handle. I wonder if it knows Python. I need to check this out because that could be extremely useful.

Sometimes, I do a little writing for clients as part of the design projects I get. I’ve been using ChatGPT to help with that. It’s not perfect, but it’s close enough to enable me to take what it writes and tweak it in a quarter of the time it would have taken to write it from scratch.

Not only that I asked could it change it to uxp and it rewrote the code …

Just asked it to write this

pythonCopy code

`import os
import win32com.client

Set the folder path and file format

folder_path = r"C:\Path\To\Folder"
file_format = “pdf”

Create a list of all files in the folder with the specified file format

files = [f for f in os.listdir(folder_path) if f.endswith("." + file_format)]

Open InDesign

app = win32com.client.Dispatch(“InDesign.Application”)

Loop through the list of files and export each one

for file in files:
# Open the file in InDesign
doc = app.Open(os.path.join(folder_path, file))

# Set the export format
export_format = win32com.client.constants.idExportFormatPDF

# Set the export path
export_path = os.path.join(folder_path, os.path.splitext(file)[0] + "." + file_format)

# Export the file
doc.Export(export_format, export_path)

# Close the file

Quit InDesign


I instructed ChatGPT to write a Python script for GlyphsApp (the font design application I use) that would center a glyph between the sidebearings (the space on either side of the glyph). It worked!

I thought I would try something a bit more obscure and difficult, so I instructed it to “Write a case-sensitive AppleScript containing Regular Expressions to identify and store all instances of the strings ABC or XYZ when immediately preceded by either an em or en dash. Substitute the stored strings with the Unicode Hex designation for an asterisk and move the em or end dashes to follow the Unicode asterisk Hex entity.”

Here’s what it came up with.

set theText to "Here is an example of an em dash followed by ABC—(*), and an end dash followed by XYZ–(*)."

set theRegEx to "(—|–)(ABC|XYZ)"
set newText to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of theText & " | sed -E 's/" & theRegEx & "/\\1\\x2A/g'"

return new text


The first line sets the variable theText to a string that you want to manipulate.

The second line sets the variable theRegEx to a regular expression that matches either an em dash (—) or an end dash (–) followed by either the string ABC or XYZ.

The third line uses the do shell script command to run a sed command that replaces all occurrences of the pattern defined by the RegEx with the first captured group (either an em or end dash) followed by the Unicode hexadecimal code point for an asterisk (\x2A).

The final line returns the modified text.

Note: In the output, the em dash is represented by \u2014 and the end dash is represented by \u2013.

The syntax is correct and the code surprisingly executes in BBEdit but the first variable is a bit nonsensical and didn’t produce any results, even though the RegEx looks correct (didn’t examine any of it too closely).

Surprisingly, ChatGPT inferred that since I asked for a Hex entity for the Unicode replacement character, I also wanted a Hex entity for the dashes since neither exists in ASCII.

ChatGPT was likely confused by my confusing instructions that it interpreted as something different from what I meant. Even though, the script produced no results, it integrated a search and replace pattern language (RegEx) into AppleScript inside a code editor application while referencing the Unicode designations for dashes.

Despite the fact that the script didn’t work as expected, it’s really pretty amazing. I’ll need to play around with it more.

Yeh it’s taking me some attempts to word what I want to happen. But you can get there.

When it doesn’t work you can tell it what the error is and it will attempt to fix that part of the code.

It’s pretty cool

Got ChatGPT to write me so many scripts today… it was awesome
They weren’t perfect but a brilliant starting point and took bulk of work out of it.

Wow - that’s pretty impressive, will have to give it a try sometime.

I didn’t realize you could use JS to do something like this, have only ever used it in a browser.
Where do you execute the code?