The Company that I created for this project is called “CockTAILS.” Not married to this name. Another name option is “MockTAILS.” This company primarily creates and distributes healthy and pet friendly products for cats or dogs. The products are specifically pet treats as drinks. The target audience encompasses 18 to 24 year old millennial pet owners who enjoy the company of their pet(s) as well as having friends over for a few drinks. Their audience also might enjoy going to a pet friendly restaurant or bar. These ‘drinks’ can be taken to go so that the pet can enjoy their treats on the go. My first go round with this project ended up being something that had already been done, so now I am going back to a previous design idea. Thoughts?
I like your thinking – especially turning the nose into a glass. My concern is two-fold.
First, everything you’ve shown suggests cats, but your brief says this is for cats or dogs.
Second, for a consumer packaged goods company, you need to have the packaging in mind since the logo will be an integral part of the package design. Packaging brings up a whole separate set of questions that may be beyond this assignment’s scope. But you need to keep in mind that logos don’t exist in a vacuum – especially for CPG companies.
I had some other designs sketched out with cats and dogs, however, those didn’t have strong concepts to go with the company. The cat sketches were much more fluid and easier to manipulate with the cocktail glasses since cats are so much more flexible. I had some suggestions to change the company’s products to strictly cat products because of this (which I’m leaning towards).
Also, we will have to do a packaging project later in the semester. What questions would I be faced with?
This was my previous design, that I later found a very similar one already done on the web.
That’s a big problem with self-directed projects. In the real world, the company you are working for sells cat and dog products. You don’t get to change that to “just cats.”
Besides, if you’ve ever been in a pet shop, 3/4 of the store is dog products. The remaining quarter is cats and other more exotic pets. Gonna be a really small venue if it just caters to cats. Gonna make the rent?
All that aside, I really like the top example you’ve created. Maybe needs to be a tad less busy, or simplified in some ways, but looks pleasing. The name is an odd one to deal with. Suggests more “pet chickens” than cats and dogs.