Designing my own brand

Hello. I’m about to start my own company and would like some feedback on the brand itself.
I mostly do logo and identity work, but I also do web development, photography and video/music. I also have sisters who paint and create jewelry. They would eventually be my employees if it all fits somehow.
For now I’ve thought of the brand name, Berg Design, but I can’t help but think there might be a better name, like Berg Studio or something.
I appreciate any help on the matter.

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I’m confused. Will you have Berg in the brand name or not?

Hi Joe! Berg must be part of it, yes.

Speaking as someone who has long disliked the worn-out idea of using the word “design” (or worse yet, ‘designs’), when naming a business, I understand and applaud your instinctive feeling that there must be something better. Approach it like any creative pursuit; brainstorm it. Think about what you do, what you sell, how your clients benefit. “Berg” presents many opportunities for alliteration and pleasant rhythm. You probably shouldn’t expect the members here to offer up a list of free ideas or suggestions. For most, creative ideas are our “product,” and giving away free product isn’t common.

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Some of the most successful creative groups in the world have functional and/or descriptive names that aren’t especially creative.

My only concern with Berg Design or Berg Studio is that a Google search turns up both names being used elsewhere. Then again, if your target market is primarily Norway and you’ll be using a .no top-level internet domain, even that might not be a problem. If you want to use a .com domain, though, both names are already taken.

However, I am not sure if these few guys from Sri Lanka are quite real :wink:

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