
Hi my name is Mo and I have a company designed to provide artists with more opportunities.
. I am cofounder and President of Earnertainment Inc. I look forward to working with you all in the near future.

FYI, this is not a business solicitation site.

Hiya Mo! :slight_smile:

Welcome Aboard!!

Be sure to read our Rules and FAQ section to familiarize yourself with who we are and what we do :slight_smile:

I have simply introduced myself if I did so incorrectly please “for my information” just say so.

I am not soliciting business.

I joined to learn about your industry and I hope in my time here, I am able to meet cool people and better educate myself in this field.

If this forum is for graphic designer only then let my apologies reach you sincerely.

I do feel attacked by your comment, however, I now feel obligated to explain why I have joined and then you can tell me if I have wasted my time.

I want to learn to differentiate between a highly knowledgeable designers and a novice

I am here to read all the novice discussions and perhaps engage in a few.

I wish you the best, have a great everything.

If this is the wrong place for me , again I apologize.

Best regards, Mo.

Hi there! :slightly_smiling_face:

No attack was intended. Sorry if my comment landed wrong. have a great weekend.

You didn’t do anything wrong and no need to apologize. You have to bear with us at times. We get A LOT of spam on this forum. We tend to be proactive in squashing it :wink:

You are more than welcome to hang out with us :slight_smile:

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Yes indeed. @MoHenry Are you planning to set up a professional website for designers? Because I don’t know many that seem useful. Maybe you can explain a bit more about what the idea behind your company is. In any case, hope you find the forum useful!

Sorry, totally not my intention to sour your opinion of this forum.

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Thanks Red. Sometimes words can seem a lot harsher than intended. I appreciate it.