Feedback on my works

Hello folks,
I have just joined the forum and would be happy to stay in loop.
I do designing for passion and have done some of the works to create a portfolio.
I have an official degree in architecture and not graphic designing but I am passionate about it since it really serves the biggest in presenting your ideas and concepts.

Therefore, I would like you designers/viewers to lay down some of your comments/critiques on my work in order to evaluate myself on my works ( where I can improve / my strongs or weaknesses etc.). Here’s my link


Any sort of constructive comments/suggestions are welcomed and hence looking forward to hear some of your thoughts.

Stay cool. Ciao.

In general, I like your aesthetic. I think. More on that in a minute. What I can’t do is speak to how well they work as design since there is no context Design has a purpose.

The reason I said “I think” is because my eye is overwhelmed by your presentation. There is a heavy reliance on mockups, moody images, superfluous content, and everything runs together. All of this makes it really hard to single out an individual element and evaluate it.

Bottom line, it seems like you have nice work, but, in my opinion, it’s buried in the presentation.

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The design college I attended was closely associated with the university’ architecture school. There was a good deal of cross-pollination between the two.

I absolutely love your work. It’s similar in style and approach to what always got me good grades in school.

However, once I graduated and got thrown into the real world, I soon found that clients weren’t as enthusiastic about it as I was. When asked, those clients could never adequately explain their objections. However, I think it had something to do with what @Steve_O said — the clients felt (rightly or wrongly) that the artistic and aesthetic style overwhelmed their messages and what they hoped to achieve.

If you have clients who want and need this style of work, you’re a very lucky person.

By the way, I’ve made your Behance portfolio link active and increased your forum permissions so that you can post your own links. Finally, welcome to the forum. :grinning:

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Ok! I get what you meant by that. I gave it another proper look and now I see it in slightly different manner than I thought viewers would see it. Lol I concur with what you have pointed out of works been lost and viewers would have hard time separating them out and evaluate on individual-design terms.
Thanks for your valuable feedback. I keep that in mind in my next approach.

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Yeah I think their collaboration go hand in hand in many parts of the globe haha. Regarding clientele unit, yes! I do agree with the reality you penned down and I too have been through that “repulsive / not wanting” phases a lot specially when at least you think you got that bit of a potential and clients do not even care about. Yea ! I have been preferred I would say (not sure if that is getting lucky to you given the immense pressure and anxiety to work for those clients when you are almost a rookie) to get that kind of class but trust me the majority of the canvas was and is just as stuck, obstinate and unyielding as one can think of in terms of preferring quantity over quality. Anywho! haha.

Thank you so much for your comment leader and I am actually flattered to see all these responses and support in just such a short period of time haha. I hit few of other forums, got some more than 500 views but no comments or critique whatsoever and that made me apathetic. I think its time to get rid of those ahah…