Hello all! I’m an in-house designer with my main focus on print.
I was a part of the GDF community many years ago (I think the GDF logo was what I called the frying pan logo) I do recognize some names that were form around back when. Some of the top contributors I remember on the forum were, D-Zine, Garricks, Jeff Fisher, Kool, RedKittieKat, PrintDriver, and Uncle Carbunkle…and I’m sure many more I can’t think of this second…sorry if I misspelled any of those…been a long time.
Everything was so pancaking fun from what I remember (y’all still use “pancaking”?)
Certainly considered myself a “new” person to GDF back then and now…because I mostly just stalked and never really posted much.
Anyway with the a job promotion of going from the designer to being the Director of the whole department and getting married and having kids…I never really had much time for good ol GDF
I must say the new site is amazing and bravo to those of you who have taken it upon yourselves to keep GDF alive…I sure it has been a ton of work…I do appreciate your efforts you put into GDF.
Hope to be quietly stalking GDF more in the furture…
Thanks! grfxB