Hello, I’m Jack Jia, a designer with a passion for experimenting with different styles and bringing unique concepts to life. I love exploring how art, fashion, and design intersect, and I’m here to share my journey, learn from others, and exchange ideas. Whether it’s T-shirt designs, digital artwork, or graphic creation, I’m always looking for new ways to push boundaries and improve my craft. I believe that design is all about personal expression and storytelling, and I’m excited to discuss trends, techniques, and insights with like-minded creatives here. Looking forward to learning, sharing, and collaborating with everyone in this vibrant community!
Hi Line, currently I am focusing on the project about personized designs with Home decor products. feel free to check my website if you are interested.
What did you design - this looks like the bird you used and it clearly says it was generated by AI
So what did you do exactly - AI prompt and stick it on a mug?
Welcome; but… can I just take objection to one of your original comments? Design is definitely not about personal expression. Graphic art may be, but design is all about visually communicating someone else’s message, using your knowledge, creativity and experience.