Help with logo design

Hello, I’m a amateur graphic designer that needs help with my game logo design.

Goals for design:

  • I’m trying to make a logo for my game company that looks professional, but not too corporate
  • Logo that can fit in a circle well,
  • Font remain readable even when small

Tried variants:
The problem with this one is that the text is too small and the angles of the wires just looked gross

Looked too corporate / lost playfulness of red wire passing the text

The angles are better but I would like to get the font bigger if possible, but I dont see how I can feasible do that. This one is my most recent attempt.

From a technical standpoint, none of those designs is going to work since they’re all too detailed to remain recognizable at smaller sizes.

You should hire a professional graphic designer who will first research your company, target audience and competitors and then create a whole brand identity system, rather than just a logo.


Those don’t work because none of them respect hierarchy. The eye goes all over the place and the name is the least likely place for it to land.

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Why the hardware focus with the circuit board optics?

Do you develop hardware?

Why does it have to be a circle?

Try a design where you only use 100% white and 100% black at the beginning.

Only later change one black element to red or others to grey.

Look at the designs in different sizes.

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Thank you for the feedback. What could I change to make them less detailed?

Start with how many wires do you really need to make your point?

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I agree with the others. In addition, you mentioned not wanting a corporate look, which none of them have, icluding the one you said looked “too corporate”. Along the same lines, I suspect you don’t want a corporate-looking font, but why did you choose this one? To put it bluntly, the font s poorly designed and awkward-looking.

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Thats a good point, I guess only that red one, since thats the one that matters, does this look better without?

I was looking for a font that was very geometric, I have adobe fonts, is there a certain font type I should look for?