Hi all!

Hello to everyone!
I am so happy to join to this forum :blush:
I am new in this sector, i am a professional archaeologist passionate about illustration, art, visual comunication. I have decided to try starting a new career as graphic designer, so i have started to study.
I already have a basic knowledge of photoshop, autocad and agisoft photoscan because i used these software for my job. I know how to illustrate finds as well.
I would like to use the grafic design in cultural sector, if would be possibile.
Iā€™d like to know how i can improve my skills because, i know, there is a lot of work to do before starting this career.
If any of you would like to give me any kind of advice, stuff to study, where to find that, how i can start, methods, tips, ANYTHING, i would really really happy :blush:
Thanks a lot :heart:

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Hi there , we are on the same path , I wish you to succeed in your goal!

Thank you :slight_smile: all the best!!!

I donā€™t mean this to sound snarky, just an underscore of the scope of your question.
Iā€™d rather be an archeologist. Can you tell me where I should start?
Thatā€™s sort of the question you are asking us.

If you already have a college degree in archeology, the answer, in your case may be finding a school locally where you can get some night classes in the basic foundation theory behind graphic design. The more practical part - that comes through experience. Years of it. In the US, the basic entry-level graphic design posting usually requires a 4-year degree and at least 2 years of real world experience. The reason for that is, most schools are theory and ā€œartā€ based rather than teaching the more practical aspects behind what graphic design is and how itā€™s produced. Far too many students find out way too late that Graphic Design is not about Art. But I think you may get that part.

Not sure what you mean when you say you want to use graphic design in the ā€œcultural sector.ā€ Do you mean something like working in the museum institutional or cultural arts sphere, perhaps marketing, or even maybe designing, educational exhibits? Or publishing? Or something else entirely?

I am sure you got the meaning of cultural sector. There are a lot of ways to use visual communication in museums or in publishing for example. They are only few examples.
I am looking for tips, if you are happy to share any tips you are super welcome. I donā€™t want to steal your job and i have all the humility to learn and i am just collecting useful informations.
About the art, this is only what I like, it is a introduction about me. I havenā€™t written that design is art.
Thank you anyway to sharing your experience.