Howdy...I'm new here

But I’m not new to graphic design. I started studying print design in high school in 2006, finished my AA in graphic design at a community college in 2010, and (finally) finished my BA in graphic design in 2016.

Even though I’ve been working and studying in print design, I started at a job two years ago doing web design. They needed a strong designer because they were covered in the code area. However, they’ve been letting me learn code while I’ve been here and it’s drastically changed not only my helpfulness to the team, but also, just learning web has really, really changed my overall design output (i.e. ‘style’).

I hope to be a very helpful contributor to this forum, but I am also primarily here to learn from others.
Nice to meet you guys! Feel free to ask questions if you’ve got any.


Welcome Aboard! :smiley:


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I could never discipline myself for code. My mind would wander with disinterest. I’m been designing for print, and managing print production for some 13 years. I’m always up for a talk about print, color output, gamuts and rendering intents - profiling - you name it.

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Hello! Welcome to GDF. Hope you will enjoy the company.

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I have certainly been enjoying it so far.

I may send you a message if I have questions…every now and then I get print projects but I’m stronger now in code than I may have ever been in print (as far as details and getting the final product out goes). It’s great to have community.

Off course… Welcome to the forum.

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