How's your weather?

We’ve had a weekend with temperatures up into the mid- and high-90s F. HOT! Today, however, the day of our long-planned camping trip, we’re having a rare summer downpour of sheets of rain and with nighttime temperatures in the mountains where we’re headed predicted to be in the mid-30s F. It’s supposed to clear up and be good weather after that — immediately after our return from the camping trip.

Can’t seem to win no matter what.

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I’m freezing today! :cold_face:

Meanwhile in Dallas:

Thankfully I don’t have to work outdoors. I honestly feel for people that do during this time of year.

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I’ve mentioned before that I grew up on a ranch/farm. Along with the heat of July and August came the need to haul hay. This meant long days spent picking up thousands of 40-pound bales of alfalfa, hoisting them up onto the wagon, restacking the bales, and hauling them to the stack yard where we’d restack them for winter feeding.

This was a dawn-to-dusk job, every day in 100° F heat. There were reasons I left home to go to college — this was one of them.

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Yeah, we’re pretty toasty today. Should be an interesting group ride after work this evening. I’ve been trying to pre-hydrate my body.

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Yup, that would do it.

I will say, as a teen, the heat bothered me less. My car didn’t even have AC for a few summers.

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We never had AC growing up. That was a luxury for rich people and office buildings. Some stores didn’t even have it. Lots of people would congregate near the frozen section in the grocery store lol … that was about it in a sleepy, little upstate town on those high humidity and near 100 days. That was the only option … or go swimming in one of the lakes … but the Mosquitoes were awful. It never seemed to bother me. I actually liked those lazy, hazy days of Summer :wink:

Now, at my age … no way could I handle it. I can’t take the extreme of either sadly :frowning:

Anyhoo… come on up and bring your parka :wink:

Oh and by tomorrow it will probably be 90 degrees again lol. The weather up here can give you whiplash these days.

I wouldn’t have guessed upstate New York would be that hot.

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We had the AC on for a while last week. We are just coming out of a 90 degree streak.

I’m making a Temperature Blanket this year … Let’s just say with all the ups and downs … it’s colorful lol. I picked a good year I think :wink:

Next week is going to be interesting. Not as hot as some of you guys but the previous record for this area was 97f in 2019.

Here, the temperature gets into the upper 90s F or a bit warmer on most sunny July days. For the UK, though, 98° F seems crazy hot. I’m guessing homes in your location don’t typically need air conditioning.

I don’t know anyone with air conditioning in their home, no.

I am keeping relatively quiet about this. I’ll whine a lot more about the Canadian winter when the time comes.

I have to do a car wrap install on some not-car metal panels, in a 90°+ shop this afternoon. And tomorrow. And probably Saturday. Adhesive vinyl liquifies somewhere around 80°. Gets all stretchy and noodley and sticky.
This is gonna be such fun.

Hot even for Oklahoma in July!! AC is running 20 hours a day.

I know our Texas friends have been getting hit hard too :frowning: Their powers that be are asking people NOT to use AC as much as possible and no other large appliances. They are worried of another massive grid failure.

Here, we are still in roller coaster territory. Anything from 60° to 90° … lather rinse repeat. We set a record cold temp the other day during the night. It dipped down to 44° :flushed:

I don’t know until I wake up if I will need the AC or not. If I can’t breathe … it goes on LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

My heart goes out to all of you who have to work out in the heat and humidity. :frowning:

Texas is always hot in July and August.

I feel for @StudioMonkey because at least we have AC (well, actually my whole nearly 20 year old system crapped out last weekend and we had to get it all replaced, which was unfortunately not cheap.)

Best of luck to anyone in the UK who will be dealing with those temps earlier next week. Stay cool.

Here’s the forecast for southwestern Utah, where I’ll be spending the next few days. I can’t wait. :sweat:

It could be a whole lot worse, though. I just checked the forecast for Death Valley, California.


Don’t plug in yer electric cars in Texas, LOL!
We have a pretty good drought going on up here. Last weekend there was a 15 acre forest fire fairly close by. I didn’t know there were any 15 acre forests left in MA. We were downwind and the smoke was so bad, not sure how you all deal with that out west.

The two big pieces of alumnium I was supposed to wrap in the coolness of the morning (it’s 60° right now) did not arrive. I’m taking bets they show up somewhere right after quitting time so I have to blow my Saturday morning.

@StudioMonkey How are you managing with the heat? It looks like you should be back to more normal temps by now.

We hit 109 yesterday, and today it is currently 108, but I’ve basically been inside in the AC so no issues. So about 42-43° celsius. Tomorrow we get a break. It may not even break 100.

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