How's your weather?

I suppose you could look at the bright side and say you’re lucky it wasn’t a tornado moving through your neighborhood.

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You say that, but my radar app (RadarScope) had about 6-7 radar-indicated tornadoes embedded within the line of storm cells that moved through that night. It looked scary at first glance.

Radar indicated tornadoes don’t concern me over-much if the NWS isn’t also throwing around tornado warnings. It’s the severe thunderstorm warnings that worry me with the associated high winds and hail, so I’m always keeping an eye on the storm tracks, reflectivity and hydrometer classification for indications of sizable hail at all radar tilt elevations to get a better sense whether or not we have bad things incoming at ground-level and when it can be expected to arrive.

In the case of this last storm front, it was just wind. There was some hail indicated at higher altitudes but not large, and small enough to have melted away to rain before becoming a problem.

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Today and the week ahead. Not normal for July, even in England.

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Here’s my area forecast getting to 96 on Monday!


I hope you’re using Fahrenheit instead of Celsius temperatures or you really do have a problem. :wink:


I always use farenheit when talking to Americans but I should have clarified that.


After a very long and very nice Spring (if not a little wetter than normal), we are supposed to be in the upper 90s on Thursday. Looks like the heat won’t last too long.

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Supposed to be over 100°F here tomorrow. 95+ today, 95+ the day after tomorrow and 90+ over the weekend.

Normal for early June in this area.

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Real summer weather (=heat) in Toronto is about a week away.

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It’s toasty out there :fire:


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That sucks. I feel your pain. That is pretty typical of our Dallas weather in the summer, but then again since it is typical for us, we have the AC in place to power through it.

I hope it cools off soon!


Our AC has been on non-stop for 3 days now. :flushed:

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And now I await my dreaded electricity bill!!!

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Yay. A week of under 30ºC temperature!


We are definitely having late July / August type of temperatures in June.


We’re having “weather.”
The former owner here used to say, “can’t change the weather, deal with it.”
He sorta had a point.
But I do hate HOT.
This is the 4th day of HOT (high 90s in the warehouse.) Didn’t even have to get the heatguns out to post-set the vinyl wrap we did yesterday. Kinda just melted into place.


If the choice is 90° or 0°, I’ll take 90° every time.


All yours.

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Either would suck for any lengthy amount of time, but I can always put ON more clothes. There’s a legal limit to what you can take OFF. :slight_smile:

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100°F is too hot.
90°F is too warm.
60–75°F is just right depending on the outdoor activity.
50°F is too cool.
30°F means my eternal enemy (snow on the ground) will interfere with my outdoor life.
0°F is simply unbearable for reasons too numerous to mention.