Logo comparison

Have you googled neon sign? I’m guessing not because the name of business suits the demand and SEO for just what they are selling. They are interested in selling a product in their field. Take a look at the top brands when searching neon signs, or at the logos I’ve provided of some of the top brands who offer the same products. You seem to refuse what most people or the targeted audience associate with the word neon.

Well, I doubt there’s good reason to keep this going, so I’ll make my final point. “Kleenex” becoming a commonly accepted slang term for any brand of boxed facial tissue isn’t good for those other brands. Likewise, something that’s a major technological advancement over neon lights—better, cleaner, more versatile, and less expensive than neon—doesn’t benefit from being called neon. A mistake made by many is still a mistake.

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Agreed. And my mistake was engaging with a person who never had any intentions of helping but instead just wanted to debate and be able to “make their point.”
Enjoy your day.

I really like all the concepts. I feel like the first ones you developed looked more like a neon business. I like the colours you used for the second concepts though - it really brings to life without looking cliche. Great job! I hope your client likes it!

The word light
you can take like this manner
color you can adjust accordingly

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How do you embroider that?

Just did research