Logo Design

No problem Steve, I like your honesty ! I will try something different. :slight_smile:
Thanks for your time!

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And actually, it is the first logo that I’m trying to design :stuck_out_tongue:

Neither is Apple selling apples.

Actually, @Steve_O read me like a book. Your logo will not be legible when reduced to fit a small area, especially where you included gradients.

Oh yes, “is” is a verb, therefore in a title-case structure it should be “Is”. It’s moot though, since it can hardly be read.

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You’re right. So if I change the font and make it a little bit bigger, would it be better? Isn’t there anything on the logo that is nice or nothing at all ?

This one comes across as sloppy and illegible (ink blobs and illegible font choice,) with a vector perfect pen and a bezier stroke that nobody cares about, except, perhaps, another designer. Other designers are not (necessarily) your clients. And if they were, the blobs and bad font choice would be a non-starter.
Why include the fish at all?

Think about who your clientele will be. Define them in every way possible. Then make a logo that would appeal to THEM. The first mistake a tyro business owner makes is projecting their likes and pets and hobbies into their logos, which have nothing to do with making a brand appeal to a potential client.

3 posts were split to a new topic: Help Wanted

There really is no point in damning with faint praise. Take heed of @Steve_O’s suggestion and do over.

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Maybe I am misreading you, but I hear a little despair or frustration in your tone, here. I’d guess that you designed this, you are proud of it, and you posted it here hoping for some tweaks or suggestions to take it from a grade B assignment to a grade A assignment.

There are three things to keep in mind: logos are much harder than they look, you’re a student, and this is your first logo design ever. I’ve most likely been designing longer than you’ve been alive (assuming you didn’t go back to school as an adult for a second career). I design logos all the time that never see the light of day. It’s part of the process. On a typical logo project, I might sketch out 50 ideas, pick 15 of those to develop in Illustrator, and refine that down to 5 to present to the client who picks one final design. That’s 49 logo designs that didn’t make the cut.

Go back to the drawing board — literally. Step away from the computer and sketch out a bunch of ideas. Personally, I like the idea of playing off of fish. Spend your afternoon sketching out ideas and post those for feedback. It’s all part of the learning process.


To work effectively, logos must be legible and readable at all sizes (if there is typography), from very large to quite small. To accomplish this goal, they must be simple.

Your logo is not simple; it’s very complex and composed of many different shapes, sentences, difficult-to-read typography, and a hidden fish that no one will ever notice.

In other words, it doesn’t work at the most basic and fundamental levels. As Steve said, sketch out a few dozen other ideas. And focus on simplicity and legibility.


You’re right Steve thanks ! I don’t have much experience in logos to draw something, but I’ll do my best. I have already started trying to sketch. Do you have any idea how the inspiration might come?
I may be good at drawing things, but I’ve never tried to draw something from my mind, so it’s hard for me to get inspired for anything. I’ll try to draw something and see if something comes out.

Thanks Just-B, I will do my best !

I think if you’ve brought this design up for discussion, then I can express my opinion. This logo immediately reminds me of a writer or something similar. However, looking at this design, I certainly don’t envision it as a designer’s logo. I think it might be due to the font you’ve chosen. But overall, I like the logo.

I tried some things, do you see anything on these ideas?

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Those are sketches you need to do, but push through them.
Putting letters backwards, combining them so you don’t know where one ends and the next one starts are both usually unworkable. You don’t want people to be guessing is it MPS or PMS or SPM.

Keep sketching.

Not sure what the significance of the fish is but it seems to be important. Push the 4th row, first logo with the M-fish. Of the lot, that one is the most coherent. Perhaps even the last one of the last line if you are going for ‘fun’.

Also nothing says you have to use your initials, unless it’s part of the lesson brief. Your business could be called Goldfish Design. That would roll of the tongue better than MPS. :slight_smile:

Or Betta Design maybe?! The colorful fish. :heart_eyes: Good idea!
Then should I try with letter B? Or the whole word Betta? What do you think?
I can also draw a betta fish and then with simple letters write Betta right below @PrintDriver

Be very careful on your use of color. Most logos stick with up to 3 colors. More and you can get expensive when printing. For spot printing (and screenprinting too,) each color needs a plate, or 4 plates for CMYK (and those CMYK colors may not be as ‘bright’ as you might want.) If digital printing (no plates) there are still color matching charges if you want exact matches.

I’d use one of the more familiar silhouettes of the more simple-finned Betta if you are going full illustration. Some of the super-frilly ones are not immediately recognizable as even being fish.

Try not to use gradients or effects in your logo. Those can also cause production issues.
Start with a flat version. You can always do something with “full bling” later as an adjunct to the logo itself.

I put an underline on the sketches that I think have the most potential. If you wanted to pursue Betta, also, that wouldn’t be bad; but I’d suggest you settle on a name before the logo.

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Isn´t Betta Design a good name? Also if I use betta for my logo, I will not use these sketches. But I’m trying to think what would be better as a final result.

I have an unrelated question. Why are you guys helping people? Do you earn something from this? If yes, is there anything I can do to help you?

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If Betta Design produces good design and good services, then it is a good name.

Send money.

No. It’s just out of the goodness of our hearts. As for help – see above.

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That’s sweet of you :smiling_face:
I’ll do my best !

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