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Towards the end of my career I switched role to becoming an employee, heading an in-house department of a not-at-all-small corporation. Man, the potential freelance clients I blatantly fired. I really didn’t need to deal with idiots and fools.

Yeah, I retired a happy man.

Speaking of undesirable clients, I’ve unburdened myself from two likable but frustratingly difficult clients during the past two weeks. I also turned down another longer-term arrangement from a state agency whose examples of previous work showed signs of meddling, poor planning, calcified processes, and other things I didn’t want to deal with.

I can’t remember getting rid of or turning down three clients in such a short period, but it sure felt good not to have to concern myself with their issues. I think I’m finally getting used to the idea that I can retire and no longer need to work at things I don’t find satisfying.