The dot makes it more interesting, but it’s superfluous in that it serves no function and is arguably wrong given that one word isn’t a sentence that warrants a period or full stop. If it were me, I might play around with placing it somewhere else, like using the dot as the crossbar in the A perhaps (just an idea).
The kerning on the first example is way off. There’s more space between the M and I than there is between the I and R. The A has way too much space around it compared to the other letters.
The second example fixes the space around the I, but otherwise looks the same as the first one
The kerning on the final two is much better, but there’s still too much air around the A in relationship to the other letters. There’s room to squeeze those first three letters a little closer together.
The K and A pairing is always problematic with kerning given the shape of both glyphs. About the best way to handle it is to squeeze the letters closer together, then move the others further apart so that the total amount of space between each pair looks about the same. You could also redesign the K to make it fit a bit better with the A (maybe).
If it were me, I’d capitalize the first letter in the tag line.
I like the simplicity of the word mark. It’s straight-forward and no-nonsense, which to me, is a welcome change from the gimmicky sorts of word marks and logos so many designers aim for. On the other hand, it does seem a bit like something just typed out on a computer from a font, so changing a few things here and there are probably warranted — just to make it a bit more unique.
Clients are often their own worst enemies.
They procrastinate. They bully or they’re wishy-washy. They have either bad ideas or no idea at all. They micromanage or disappear for days at a time with no explanation. They invariably pick the wrong idea, then change their minds to another bad idea. They’re clueless about design, but fail to grasp their limitations. In general, they go out of their way to sabotage our best efforts while ensuring that their money is misspent on substandard work, then they complain about it.
I suspect they were sent here by the devil to torment us. Unfortunately, they also pay the bills, which leaves us at their mercy with no way to win. It’s a sad situation.
If you find an answer to your question, please let me know. I’ve been searching for the same answer for going on 40 years.