Magazine Article Design Class Project

Hey guys! I am extremely new to graphic design and completed this project for a class. I was just seeking any constructive criticism from others far more experienced than me, thank you!

Target Audience: People who follow sports or also know friends and/or family dealing with dementia-related struggles

Purpose: I attempted to blend modern newspaper article style with old newspaper article style in an effort to emphasize the themes of memory-loss and vintage baseball. I used stock artwork of vintage baseball players to enhance that message

Use: Two Magazine Spreads (Four Pages)

First thing I noticed was the unusual way the folio was treated. Second thing I noticed was the byline did not appear with the title. The third was the half-line para-spacing: Unless you have equal odd or even para-spaces, the two columns will never line up.

thE 1890 player catching the ball is cropped to much and looks like he is drowning.
actually the graphics are not making me want to read the article and i love baseball.
maybe they are used too much?
i dunno, maybe something like this might help,

Your text is formatted like a website with spaces between paragraphs instead of paragraph indents. Magazines, like almost all periodicals and books, use paragraph indents. Your leading is also way too spacious and the lines at the bottom of the page don’t horizontally align.

If you use a drop cap to start the story, make it larger so that it attracts attention and unambiguously says the story starts here. This would also have been a good opportunity to reuse the beefy slab serif you used for a headline. Thick slab serifs make great drop caps.

Speaking of where the story starts, it’s usually the place for the author’s byline and title. You’ve placed the byline at the end of the story, which is sometimes done, but it’s customary to supply readers with a little more information about the author’s credentials than just a name.

Illustrations almost always require credit lines — you’ve left them out. The illustrations are also poorly cropped.

A magazine feature spread is an opportunity to use the entire spread to extend photos across the gutter or into the gutter to the spine. This isn’t always done, but did you consider it?

Your pullout quote is visually dull. A pullout quote is an opportunity to grab attention with big quote marks and interesting typography that interrupts the grid.

Magazines almost always use various graphic devices, like page rules, special typography for the page numbers, running heads, etc. Each spread almost always contains the name of the publication — typically on the opposite side of the page from the page number.

Odd numbered pages are always on the right. Even numbered pages are always on the left. There really are no exceptions to this rule. A magazine starts out with the cover. The next page is the inside front cover. The next right-hand page is typically page one. In addition, a magazine article never starts on the inside front cover. Instead it would begin several pages into the magazine — beyond the ads and the table of contents. In other words, use realistic page numbers on your layout. Instead of starting out with page 1, start out with something further into the magazine.

Look at other magazines. There’s no shortage of them. Pay attention to what works and why. A magazine layout is an opportunity to design something that’s fun and visually exciting. Here are some examples:

All this criticism aside, you’re new at this and your layouts are par for the course for a beginner. They are by no means terrible — mostly just too conservative for the subject matter and don’t reflect those things you haven’t thought about until now.

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Thank you for your critique! I will definitely use your knowledge in my revision.

Starting to think I have to ditch the images I chose. Thanks for your critique and nice artwork!

Thanks for taking the time to point all of this out. Revision time!

your are welcome, i am revising art and comics this month that was golden just last year,