MidJourney AI Tool

Looks like it can handle cat’s hands, LOL!
Very nice!

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It does pretty well with animal figures. It’s great with human heads and faces. But, I still find that bodies can be a bit odd and forget it when it comes to hands… still :wink:

Quite honestly I think they are holding back on letting the bodies get better because of ya know … porn LOL But, if they are fully clothed, in armor, robotic … etc They turn out pretty good.

I can see where some are already trying to really push the boundaries with certain cartoon type creations. They really are bordering on NSFW.

I’m old and boring. I like making faces, animals, food and flowers :wink:

FYI: No more free trials on Midjourney.

CEO and founder David Holz announced the change on Tuesday blaming a sudden influx of new users. Holtz stated it was because of massive amounts of people making throwaway accounts to get free images. He is blaming a viral how-to video out of China. He went on to say it’s created a gpu shortage and brought the system down at times for paid users.

I think it’s more because there have been several viral photos lately of things that never happened. As we know it’s already quite easy to fool some folks out there with an IQ of a potato. So, they easily believe these generated images without even a second of wondering if they are true or not. I think MJ is trying to head off being dragged into court or before Congress. MJ has been filled with throw away accts. since day one. So, I really don’t think that is the reason for the ban.

We shall see :wink:

They need to make their bucks. I don’t blame them.
It’s fairly easy to make a profit using AI imagery. They just want their part of it.
More power to em.

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