Personal Logo First Draft

Since the company name says branding and design, I see no need for lightbulbs and keyboards in the logo. A stylized bug is perfectly fine.

The name Ovenstone is actually rather solid, and I see no reason not to use it. The logo bug needs work. At first glance, the O looks poorly drawn, though on a closer look you can see it is not. Don’t rely on that closer look though. The balance is all off and people will get that at first glance as a takeaway and move on.

I’d heed the advice people are giving here about the logo being you. That is the trap you have to steer all of your potential branding clients out of, don’t do it to yourself. When we hire designers it’s all about street-cred, not their logo. But like I said, at first glance, this one just looks wrong, at least to a signage and wayfinding guy. I might not consider someone for even a small job if there are no chops behind the logo. Others say your work shows you capable of doing better. Don’t cut yourself off at the knees where people just don’t go look at your other stuff based on this.

And to the person who pointed out the ink traps, those are all the rage now. What used to be only a typographic feature that still has a usefulness in press printing, has now become an over-exaggeration beyond the point of being trendy. Don’t be trendy.