Portfolio Review

Hello all! Go easy on me, I’m sensitive.

Just kidding…

Looking for some general feedback on my portfolio. Doing this for 14 years and hoping to get this printed up soon as I’m puttin’ out feelers for a new job. These will print at tabloid size, so keep that in mind for scale. Don’t worry about what order they’re in as the pages will be loose so they can be rearranged and omitted/added to tailor for the interview (and they also uploaded in a weird order anyway).

Fire away!

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I won’t be much help in the form of a critique … I’ve always loved your work. :slight_smile:

The Early Learning Academy is so adorable. I’ve always loved that Light string Christmas card.

You do good work Virgo. Anyone would be lucky to have you. :heart:

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Aw, thanks Red. :blush:

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I’m not as nice as RedKittieKat. :smiling_imp:

But don’t worry, this won’t be too harsh.

I’m going to give you the same advice I’ve given numerous designers over the years. You’re only as strong as the weakest sample in your portfolio. Too many designers try to a) show too much work in a portfolio and b) include work that isn’t their best and ends up weighing down their portfolio.

You said you’ll arrange these and omit / add as needed for an interview. That’s good. By my count, you have 49 work samples here; and that’s way too many for a promotional piece or to show in an interview.

Go through and cull this down to the best of the best, eliminate some of the largely duplicate work, and end up with a stronger body of work.

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Thanks, I agree it’s a lot. The wedding invite and craft page are almost never going to be included, unless it’s for a place where handicrafts may be applicable. The pre-k ‘rules’ posters will likely go as they’re a bit redundant, and I may combine the Edberg/various real estate agents pages (since it’s all for the same job) and the 2 Sean Faust pages. Tough to narrow down. In your opinion, what are the weaker pieces that you don’t think add anything?

I’ve gone ahead and done some combining, so basically each page will represent one client/job. This eliminates 3 pages total. Omitting the invite and craft pages, I’ll be left with 6 ‘permanent’ pages - 5 clients and one page of logos. Let me know if this helps streamline things or if there’s more I should eliminate.