RIP: The Necrology Thread

RIP Sean Connery - I’m shaken, not stirred!
There could be only one!

If you think Pierce Brosnan singing in Mamma Mis! was campy, you should see Sean Connery singing in Darby O’Gill and the Little People. Connery was actually earnest.

Still, I forgive him because of all the work that came after. I’ll raise a glass for him.

RIP Mr. Bond :heart:

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Jeopardy host, Alex Trebek, dies from cancer.

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Aww. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy.

So many people getting Pancreatic cancer :frowning:

He fought a good fight. RIP Alex :heart:

Pancreatic cancer is the WORST.

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The man behind the mask has passed at 85 :frowning:
RIP David Prowse :heart:
May the Force be with you.

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Very sad. For us Brits, before Darth Vader, everyone who was a kid in the 70s knew him as the Green Cross Man. He was the super hero in a series of public information tv ads to teach kids to cross the road safely using the Green Cross Code.

Worked as well. I remember as a young kid standing on the kerb doing the drill just like the Green Cross Man told us to.


I swear I had the same jumper as the kid in the second one!

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“Jumper”? Haven’t heard that uttered in ages.

When I first read “jumper” in Harry Potter, I was all sorts of confused. In the US, a jumper is a little girl’s dress…Harry and Ron having matching jumpers…?

I took this photo several years ago. I never felt like it was a super strong image, but when you see Darth Vadar and a storm trooper in an old west style tower, you’re going to take the picture. This was on a stretch of historic route 66 in southern Missouri. I always thought Vadar looked a little sad with his head hung low like that. Anyway, seems like an appropriate time to post it.


This will blow your minds!

I’m more concerned with … where’s his pants?


Yeah, that’s a little uh NSFW…

David Lander has passed at age 73

RIP Squiggy :heart:



RIP Theunis de Jong. aka Jongware

He was a fantastic guy and scripting genius in InDesign. If you use scripts you have probably used his.

Touching tribute here …

My heart is broken.

