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My wife went to the store this afternoon and came home with not one but two packs of toilet paper. And I’m not talking about the cheap, prison-style toilet paper. I’m talking about Charmin!

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Had a great bike ride this morning. 56.8 miles, 3 hours and 24 minutes, 16.7 mph average speed, and 2,892’ of climbing.

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You want the good news? My Mum has been in and out of hospital 3 times this year for 3 different things. First minor heart surgery. Then she caught Covid19 while in hospital with pneumonia (on top of COPD). She brushed that off. Then the meds they put her on caused her kidneys to fail. She came out of hospital last weekend with a clean bill of health and is recovering well. Last week was her 83rd birthday. I am in a happy place.


That sounds like quite the scary ride StudioMonkey.
Glad to hear your mom is doing well now. Happy belated Birthday to her!

Wow! All that would have been scary. I’m happy she’s doing fine now. At 83, things can turn serious very fast.

Glad to hear the good news about your mom!

Good news indeed. isn’t that great?

That is indeed good news SM! :heart: Happy Birthday to your Momma :heart:

Hi all! I’ve been cooking and baking much more during this pandemic. This has already been nice because we love food.
But also I decided to gradually add helpful kitchen tools (kitchen mat, flexible cutting boards, sifter, cooling rack, etc.) to my Amazon cart. Today my big box arrived and it felt like Christmas morning. :smile:


Oh my goodness! I hope your wife is doing OK.

Today’s good news is it finally rained! It’s been almost 3 weeks and the garden was looking a might parched.


Glad you’re getting some rain.

We had a very cool spring with a good amount of rain. Then, about three weeks ago, a flip switched and it got hot and dry all of the sudden. My wife keeps up with the watering of the garden and potted plants, but I got behind on the lawn, so it’s looking pretty dry. We have a chance of rain every day this week, so it should bounce back.

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My “lawn” is mostly yellow/brown right now. I consider grass a weed. If it can’t grow there, it doesn’t belong there. Unfortunately, it really likes to grow in my garden – because that gets watered – and it doesn’t belong there either. Water bill is gonna be a little high this quarter.
Because the “lawn” is under a really large oak tree, nothing much grows there. Thinking of rototilling it under and just letting it go natural. Get some leaf mold buildup going out there and do dry-site ferns and tuft sedges or something. The neighbors will hate it, I’m sure, but gives me yet another opportunity to comment on their over-fertilized, overwatered unnatural green turf runoff going into the lake, yet I can’t have a couple horned dogs (pygmy goats) or chickens.

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I got to see my great nephews yesterday (2 and almost 6) I haven’t seen them since Christmas :heart: Did my old Auntie heart good :heart:


4 day week, Friday off with the BFF and hitting the beach, floaties in the pond and a friend’s new pool this weekend.


Good news? Hmm.

I’m alive. My family is healthy. I still have my job.

I know, I know. Exciting.


Our street, which has been dug up like a war zone for a couple of months now, was paved overnight with an invasion of an army of mechanical division. We got our street back, and it’s very good looking. Well, at least for a few months.


Here in Utah, it doesn’t rain much in the summer except in the mountains. Later on in the summer, there are sometimes afternoon cloud bursts, but that’s about it. Our water bill can be between two and three hundred dollars per month.

If we didn’t irrigate, there would be no lawns, bushes or much of anything else except sage brush, scrub oak and juniper trees. Actually, there’s a xeriscaping movement that encourages just that — accepting that we live in a semi-desert where only desert plants grow best.

So with all that said, we actually have had a highly unusual couple of days of light rain. A cold front went through, which is unheard of this time of year. It’s downright strange having overcast skies, cool temperatures and drizzling rain this time of year. It’s put a hold on some hiking plans we had for today and tomorrow.

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Even though it’s rainy off and on, I still took the boat out today. Love being out in a nice warm rain in summertime. Didn’t do much fishing, but it was still a nice ride.


Good news for me today I have completed my project name removed. Now I ma working fine with other people