and of course I immediately thought of this …
I can honestly say that I’ve never heard that version before.
Our Hydrangea is in full bloom and already turning pink! That usually doesn’t happen until the end of August.
I love it!!
That one looks a little peeved, LOL. Those little guys are funny. If the feeder is empty they hover outside the kitchen window chattering up a storm. And if I’m in the garden with the hose, they insist the metal fence be sprayed so they can drink the water. It’s a game.
We have one feeder off of our deck and a second feeder on the side of the house. My wife refreshes them every couple of days just to make sure the nectar is fresh. This guy had been fluffing himself up, scratching, and grooming. He was in a tree quite a bit away. That was shot at a 500 mm focal length and, even at that long focal length, this is a small crop from a larger frame. Right now, I have the camera set up and aimed at the deck feeder that is substantially closer.
That’s amazing!
This one looks really good.
From the 10/10/2024 aurora. The colors weren’t quite as vibrant or dynamic as earlier this year, but it was still fun to get out and shoot.