Sweet magical cat cozy mystery book cover

You’ve spelled Betrayal wrong.

The ones with the white background look good but I would use the ones with colour because as you said you need the user to notice that they are different.

I like the overall look, good job :raised_hands:

The kerning of the author’s name seems slightly off. Also the frosting on the “Fatality” one is not as cleanly cut out as on the others. On the left most one you can even see some of the original background I believe.

Thanks for all the feedback! Although I was happy about the design, I was always a bit bothered about how to make it obvious that the covers are different books. Using a colored background worked best, but it made it less ‘clean’ looking.

Then I realized: I could just turn the bar at the top a different color:

I think this works well. It still looks clean, but you can tell they are different books.

Idea: instead of each title being the same red, sample a nice color from each cover and make the titles different colors like you did with the top edge color. That way you differentiate the books without losing the great contrast with the white background.

Oh and change the title to Finalikitty. DOE!

Hmm… I didn’t think change the red title to a different colour woruld work, but I actually think it looks much better. Thanks Neverman!


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You’re very welcome. I do a lot of product line work where this simple trick is very useful.

Advice: Whatever color you use, try to use it (sparingly) in other parts of the design. Try to balance each color used with simple composition so it looks balanced. What will always look strange is anything on a page that doesn’t;t have any color similarity to anything else on the page. That can work if you want to draw attention to that one thing, but if you’re working in series, like this…

LOL, Neverman! You were thanked over a year ago!
It’s probably long gone to press.

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Stop the presses!

I’ve always wanted to say that.

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