What do you think of this logo

How about supplying more information on the requirements and why you think this solves the problem? Beyond how it looks, thereā€™s not much to judge it on.

I donā€™t think Myriad Pro Semi-Condensed Regular is the right typeface, though.

I designed it for personal branding. I want it to include it in my portfolio as my identity as I begin my designing career.

Based on your public profile, it looks like your name is ā€œStephen Njoroge.ā€ So how is ā€œScopeā€ personal? This is the question I am most interested in hearing the answer to. Is this really personal branding or business branding? Other questions would be what is the meaning of the symbol? Who is the logo supposed to appeal to or who is the target market for your branding? Why is the type rotated? Also, it doesnā€™t appear to be square, but that could be an optical illusion.

Thankyou for opinion. I want to create a business brand which will be providing logo and graphic design services for now. And this is my first project, I would like to know how I should improve because am still studying.

This may sound somewhat harsh, but please take it as intended, to help you through what is a very over-saturated field.

My advice is learn to walk before you try to run. Shelve all thoughts of running a business for now. You are studying. Spend your time learning. You are not yet in a position to be able to offer professional design services. You donā€™t have enough knowledge. Without being too harsh, although not the worst Iā€™ve seen, the logo you presented, evidences this. Itā€™s not terrible, but every pro on here could pick it apart, just from an aesthetic perspective, without even getting into the more ephemeral, less tangible aspects communicating effectively to a target audience.

Five or six years from now, you will know exactly what I mean.

I get it. At your stage of the game I did exactly the same. I wanted to make my own brand identity. Having my own business card felt like I would have ā€˜made itā€™. After four years of education, I came away with a degree thinking I ruled the world. Around two weeks after moving to London and working in a studio, I realised I knew very little. Another four to five years of real-world work on live projects was the point when I thought I had enough knowledge to be able to offer professional services. 30 years on and Iā€™m still learning new stuff every day.

Concentrate all your efforts on getting the best degree you can and learn as much as you can and put together a solid portfolio. This will increase your chances of getting work in a good studio, in order to gain the best experience you can.

Besides, university is such a fun time. Enjoy it and get the most out of it. If you put the cart ahead of the horse, you will probably regret It later on. There are so many unqualified, ignorant, so-called designers out there, feeding at the bottom of the pond, looking for cheap work for no money, from clueless clients. You donā€™t want to be any part of this, or youā€™ll get trapped down there. You need to be able to swim to the surface to be able to hold your head above water. Itā€™s only there youā€™ll find clients who value the worth of design. Good design has always needed good clients. Itā€™s never been different. At the bottom, everything is covered in mud ā€“ at best.

Sorry, that became quite the metaphor-laden rant. Hope it helps, rather than discourages.

Good luck.


Great solution @Steve_O

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What @sprout said ā€¦ 100%.

Even if you are not studying at a university, which something tells me youā€™re more on the self-study path, you just donā€™t know what you donā€™t know.

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Thankyou itā€™s not harsh itā€™s the truth. Currently I am working closely with a few designers helping them as I furnish my skills.

Am taking classes on Udemy.